The Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Finnish Development Policy Committee warmly welcome you to a joint Agenda2030 seminar: Enabling SDGs Globally: What Role for the EU and Finnish Development Policies?
Time: Wed 22nd May 2019 at 1 p.m. – 3.30 p.m. (coffee will be served at 12.30 p.m.) Venue: “Pikkuparlamentti”, the annex building of the Parliament House (Arkadiankatu 3)
The European Union will report for the first time on the advancement of the Agenda2030 at the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in July. This global review at the UN takes place in the beginning of the Finnish EU presidency. The EU’s progress report includes development policy and EU’s role in supporting developing countries towards sustainable development. As the preparations of the Finnish EU presidency are in full swing, it is an excellent moment to explore how both the EU and Finland see the SDG-challenge, the role of development policy and rise up to it. The main speaker of the event is Stefano Manservisi (Director General of the European Commission, DG DEVCO). The seminar will be held both in English and Finnish and moderated by journalist Annika Damström, Finnish Broadcasting Company, YLE. Simultaneous interpretation from Finnish to English will be available. Mandatory registration due to Parliament security by MON 20th May:
PROGRAMME 12.30 Coffee 13:00 Welcoming words: “Finnish development policy and the upcoming EU presidency” Satu Santala, Director General, Department of Development Policy, Ministry for Foreign Affairs 13:10 Opening speech: “Development policy, SDGs and the role of the Finnish Parliament” Aila Paloniemi, Chairperson, Development Policy Committee 13:20: Keynote speech: “EU development policy, a key asset for a global Europe and the SDGs”
Stefano Manservisi, Director General DEVCO, European Commission 14:00 Panel discussion: “Global responsibility and partnership in the Finnish Agenda2030 implementation”
* Sami Pirkkala, Counsellor, Sustainable Development Strategy Department, Prime Minister’s Office * Suvi Virkkunen, Senior Adviser of for Development Policy, Development Policy Department, Ministry for Foreign Affairs * Rilli Lappalainen, Director of Advocacy, Fingo, Finnish Development NGOs * Jaana Palojärvi, Director of International Relations, Ministry of Education and Culture Questions from the audience 15:30 Closing of the seminar
--- Viestin välitti, Mirka Kartano, Fingo