Hei, Tiedoksi CONCORD:n järjestämä tilaisuus, jossa on tarkoitus jakaa tietoa koskien helmikuussa tapahtuvaa EU-Afrikka huippukokousta.
Aikaisemmin CONCORD-kollegat ovat tiedottaneet tästä webinaarista näin: The webinar will be open to all African and European CSOs partners that would like to attend. If you are planning to attend, please register (and share broadly) at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqd-2tpzMjEtEJcKHuh7L00YNbRhYz0V9...
EU-Afrikka kokoukseen liittyen liitteenä tietoa myös Coordination SUD:n kansalaisyhteiskuntatapahtumasta: Coordination SUD, the French national platform of NGOs working for international solidarity, is pleased to invite you to a Conference of African and European civil society for a fair, open, and sustainable Africa-EU partnership, held the 10th and 11th of February 2022, in Paris and virtually.
Ystävällisesti, Silla
From: Riccardo Roba riccardo.roba@concordeurope.org Sent: 14 January 2022 17:43 To: Riccardo Roba riccardo.roba@concordeurope.org Cc: Carlotta Paglia policy.assistant@concordeurope.org Subject: Final programme of the webinar about the 6th African Union-European Union Summit, on 19 January 2022, 13-15:30 pm CET
Dear all,
I am happy to share with you the final programme of the webinar with civil society about the 6th African Union-European Union Summit, on 19 January 2022, 13-15:30 pm CET. You can find it attached.
You can see from the programme that the webinar will be organised around two key sessions. First, a brief presentation that focuses on intelligence-sharing about the 6th EU-AU Summit, what we know so far about the EU and the AU's proposals for, possible outcomes and implications from the Summit; information about the side events like the CSOs Forum. This moment will be followed by Q&A to clarify things.
The second session is an open discussion about the CSOs Forum that the EU is organising ahead of the Summit - to discuss a number of details about it. This will be done, after an introduction, in smaller breakout rooms before resuming in plenary. Many important aspects will have been decided by the time of the EU-AU Summit; we have very little room for influence. In this context, it's key for civil society to come together to determine what impact we can realistically have/what impact we want.
Given the importance of the discussion, we have extended the webinar by half an hour. It will now finish at 15:30 CET. We hope this will not cause any problems with your schedules. The webinar will also be recorded.
Best regards, Riccardo
Riccardo Roba (he, him)
Policy and Advocacy Adviser
10 Rue de l’Industriehttps://maps.google.com/?q=10+Rue+de+l%E2%80%99Industrie&entry=gmail&source=g - 1000 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 743 87 90
Skype: roba.riccardo.94
Twitter: @riccardo_roba
CONCORDhttps://concordeurope.org/ is the European NGO confederation for relief and development. With the support of our 59 members, our Confederation, representing over 2,600 NGOs, is the main interlocutor with the EU institutions on development policy and international cooperation. Since 2003, we work towards a world where people enjoy their human rights - CONCORD is registered to the EU Transparency Registerhttp://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobbyist.do?id=34478709670-34.