To register please go herehttps://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/D0BB17D7C358B018.par.
Within business schools, violence is rarely mentioned as an outcome of business activities. Yet in contemporary studies from various fields, a number of connections between business and violence have been made increasingly explicit, from the expulsions caused by global market dynamics (cf. Sassen 2014), to violence associated with gendered globalization (Hearn et al. 2017), to the violent outcomes of firm activities in various developing contexts (e.g. Chowdhury in press; Varman and al Amoudi 2016), to intra-organizational emotional abuse (Penttinen et al. 2019). While violence in these contexts takes different shapes, a seemingly common feature is the role of invisibilities: of violence itself, of those people (and sometimes non-human animals) on whom violence is perpetrated, and of the role that business directly or indirectly plays in this. In this seminar, we invite four expert scholars on the question of business and violence to present and discuss insights from some of their recent and ongoing work: o Dr. Rashedur Chowdhury: (PhD, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge) Associate Professor at Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, and a Batten Fellow at Darden Business School, University of Virginia. His most recent works focus on the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh and the Rohingya and Syrian refugee crises. o Prof. Jeff Hearn: Professor Emeritus, Management and Organisation; Research Director, GODESS Institute (Gender, Organisation, Diversity, Equality, Social Sustainability), Hanken. He has been involved long-term in international research and policy development around both (anti-)violence, and gender and diversity in organisations and management, e.g. the books, Gender, Sexuality and Violence in Organizations 2001, and Unsustainable Institutions of Men 2019. o Dr. Marjut Jyrkinen: Associate Professor in Working Life Equality and Gender Studies, University of Helsinki, and director of research consortium on sustainable working life (weallfinland.fi), funded by the Strategic Research Council at the Academy of Finland. Her research on gendered violence and violations in and outside organizations, leadership, and gendered ageism has been published in Gender, Work and Organization, Journal of Business Ethics, Gender in Management, and Work, Employment and Society. Her latest book, with Elina Penttinen and Elisabeth Wide, is Emotional Workplace Abuse. A new Reseach Approach, published in 2019 by Palgrave MacMillan. o Prof. Rohit Varman: Professor of Marketing and Consumption at University of Birmingham. He uses interpretive methodologies and his current inter-disciplinary research focuses on structures of subalternity, market violence, and modern slavery. He has published in leading journals, including the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Retailing, Organization Science, and Human Relations.
Visit the webpage of the event herehttps://www.hanken.fi/en/node/2327821. The seminar is free of charge but registration is mandatory, please register herehttps://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/D0BB17D7C358B018.par. For questions please contact the organisers at ccr@hanken.fimailto:ccr@hanken.fi.
Warm welcome! CCR CCR is a joint Research and Development Institute between Hanken School of Economics and University of Helsinki www.ccr-helsinki.orghttp://www.ccr-helsinki.org/ email: ccr@hanken.fimailto:ccr@hanken.fi follow us on Twitter: @ccr_helsinki Hanken School of Economics P.O. Box 479, 00101 HELSINKI, FINLAND