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________________________________ From: Kehityspolitiikka kehityspolitiikka-bounces+julionjilalo=hotmail.com@lists.fingo.fi on behalf of Elina Korhonen Elina.Korhonen@vaestoliitto.fi Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2019 11:12 AM To: kehityspolitiikka@lists.fingo.fi kehityspolitiikka@lists.fingo.fi Subject: [Kehityspolitiikka] TERVETULOA seminaariin; FIGHTING INEQUALITIES TO LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND AND TO ACHIEVE SDG 3
Tervetuloa seminaariin 3. syyskuuta, joka yrittää etsiä vastauksia siihen, miten tavoitamme kaikista haavoittuvimmassa asemassa olevat ihmiset ja vahvistamme kaikkien oikeutta hyvinvointiin, terveyteen ja seksuaalioikeuksiin. Seminaari on englanninkielinen, ja sen jälkeen on Ranskan suurlähetystön järjestämä vastaanotto. _________________________________________
FIGHTING INEQUALITIES TO LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND AND TO ACHIEVE SDG 3 Seminar by French Embassy, Väestöliitto, Global Fund and Friends of Global Fund
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
15:00 – 17:00 followed by a reception
Venue: Embassy of France in Helsinki, Finland
Registration: nordic-countries@afmeurope.orgmailto:nordic-countries@afmeurope.org
With the adoption of the SDGs, a new era of global, universal, integrated and partnership-based development has emerged. At the heart of the SDGs is a commitment to ensure that 'no one is left behind'. SDG 3 aims to ensure healthy lives for all, but harmful practices, sexual violence and discrimination against women continue to increase overall health risks among women and girls.
15:00 - Registration and coffee
15:05 – 15:10 - Welcome – Friends of the Global Fund Europe
15:10 – 15:20 - Introduction – H. E. Serge Tomasi, the Ambassador of France to Finland
15:20-15:40 – Keynote – Progress towards the SDGs: What do we know about the inequalities and interlinkages?
- Eeva Furman, Director of the Environmental Policy Centre at the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)
15:40-16:20 - Part I: Understanding the interaction between SDG 3 and the fight against gender, economic and social inequalities
- “The contribution of the Global Fund to gender equality and access of women and girls to health” – Dianne Stewart, Head of Donor Relations Department, the Global Fund
- “Addressing gender inequalities: the role of achieving universal access to SRHR” - Eija Koivuranta, Managing Director, Väestöliitto – the Family Federation of Finland
- “Access to education as a critical lever for women and girl’s health” – Elina Nikulainen, Executive Director, Finland National Committee for UN Women
- “Understanding the relationship between inequality in income and health” - Maria C. Lo Bue, Research Associate, United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research
16:20-17:00 Part II: Roundtable discussion: Fighting gender inequalities for SDG 3: What can be achieved during the Finnish EU Presidency?
Moderator: Elina Korhonen, Director of International Affairs, Väestöliitto
o H. E. Carmine J Smidt, South African Ambassador to Finland
o Anneli Jäätteenmäki, former Prime Minister of Finland and former Member of the European Parliament
o Satu Leino, Ministerial Adviser, International Affairs, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health Finland
o Dianne Stewart, Head of Donor Relations Department, the Global Fund
Concluding remarks
o Representative from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland (to be confirmed)
17:00 – 18:00 Reception