UPM in Uruguay: Investing for Sustainable Future or Finnish Colonialism?
Time: Thursday, October 3, at 4-7pmin Place: Porthania II, University of Helsinki (Yliopistokatu 3, Ground Floor)
Why is Finland such a big thing in Uruguay? Welcome to a conversation on the impacts of a huge Finnish pulp mill project in Uruguay. The event will take place on Thursday, October 3, at 4-7pmin the hall Porthania II, University of Helsinki (Yliopistokatu 3, Ground Floor).
The investment decision of UPM made in July 2019 has sparked a lively debate in Uruguay. Uruguay is a country where not only UPM but also Finland have become important themes of public disputes. The decision to build the pulp mill is the biggest investment both in the history of Uruguay and in the history of UPM.
Critical voices are pointing at controversial issues regarding the impacts that the investment has on democracy and national sovereignty, and how UPM as a foreign-owned corporation has colonial aspects. Defenders of the project, such as Uruguay’s leftist government, say it is an opportunity to create employment and enhance the country’s financial standing. There are also questions raised about the environmental and social consequences of the pulp mill and the required eucalyptus tree plantations. Is the process comparable to historical colonialism or is it rather an opportunity for sustainable future?
Our event will have several participants that will explore various aspects of the investment.
Our main speaker Víctor Baccheta is an investigative journalist that has written several books on topics related to the environment and development in Uruguay, also on UPM. He is the head of the Uruguay Mining Observatory and the Water Observatory in Uruguay and a member of the Movement for a Sustainable Uruguay (Movus). This is his first visit in Finland.
Commentators include:
Maria Ehrnström-Fuentes, Postdoctoral Researcher at Hanken School of Economics.
Markus Kröger, Academy Research Fellow and Associate Professor of Development Studies at University of Helsinki.
Jussi Pakkasvirta, Professor of Area Studies and Vice Dean of Humanities at University of Helsinki.
Janne Ronkainen, Executive Director of the Trade Union Solidarity Centre of Finland (SASK).
Saara Tahvanainen, Vice President, Stakeholder Relations at UPM Biorefining.
The event will be facilitated by Teivo Teivainen, Professor of World Politics at University of Helsinki.
Organized by:
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki
Centre for Corporate Responsibility, Hanken School of Economics & University of Helsinki
Global Extractivisms and Alternatives Initiative, University of Helsinki
Historians without Borders
Link to Facebook Event: