Kaikilla Fingon jäsenjärjestöjen edustajilla on mahdollisuus nyt vaikuttaa Fingon kehityspoliittisen linjauksen sisältöön. Ensimmäinen luonnosversio on valmis ja lähetetty sähköpostitse konsultaatiokokoukseen 2.11. osallistuneille. Jos haluat tutustua luonnokseen ja kommentoida, lähetä sähköpostia minulle niina.tenhio(a)fingo.fi<mailto:niina.tenhio@fingo.fi> ja kerro viestissä, mitä Fingon jäsenjärjestöä edustat, niin lähetän vastausviestissä sinulle luonnostekstin. Määräaika …
[View More]kommenteille tähän ensimmäiseen versioon on ensi viikon torstaina 12.11.2020.
Dear recipient,
All Fingo member organisations have the possibility now to influence on the contents of the Development Policy Alignment of Fingo. The first draft version (in Finnish) is ready, if you wish to take a look at the draft and give comments, please send an email to niina.tenhio(a)fingo.fi<mailto:niina.tenhio@fingo.fi>, tell me which Fingo member organization you represent, and I will reply to you with the document attached. DL for comments is latest during next Thursday 12th Nov 2020.
Mukavaa viikonloppua! I wish you a wonderful weekend!
Terveisin, Cheers,
Niina Tenhio
Asiantuntija, kehityspolitiikka | Fingo
+358 50 317 6726 | niina.tenhio(a)fingo.fi<mailto:niina.tenhio@fingo.fi>
Fingo - Vaikuttaa tulevaisuuteen tänään.
viestii | kouluttaa | kasvattaa | tukee | vaikuttaa
fingo.fi<http://www.fingo.fi/> | Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/FingoFi/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/FingoFi> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/fingo-fi/about/>
Kepa ja Kehys ovat nyt Fingo. Teemme töitä, jotta maailma olisi reilumpi. Ihan kaikkialla. Olemme 300 kehitysjärjestön yhteistyöjärjestö.
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Dear all,
Please find below the Ministry for Foreign Affairs' (MFA) invitation for a presentation and discussion event of the study "Connecting Africa - Perspectives for Energy, Transport, Digitalisation and Research & Innovation" on Wednesday 11.11.2020 at 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm (EET). Register by 5 November, link below.
This study and the related policy dialogue between researchers and policy makers has been made possible by UniPID's Administrative service for MFA's commissioned studies on …
[View More]development policy. More information of the service pilot here: https://www.unipid.fi/for-society/commissioned-studies/.
Johanna Kivimäki
Finnish University Partnership for International Development (UniPID)
University of Jyväskylä
Tel. +358 (0)40 805 4136
Email: johanna.a.m.kivimaki(a)jyu.fi<mailto:johanna.a.m.kivimaki@jyu.fi>
Web address: www.unipid.fi<http://www.unipid.fi/>
Welcome to presentation and discussion event of the study "Connecting Africa - Perspectives for Energy, Transport, Digitalisation and Research & Innovation" on Wednesday 11.11.2020 at 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm (EET). The event will be organized online on Microsoft Teams. The language of the event will be English.
In 2020, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland commissioned a development policy related study on Africa's connectivity. The authors of the current report are Ms. Eva Nilsson, PhD candidate at the Hanken School of Economics, Dr. Obert Hodzi at the University of Liverpool, Ms. Neema Komba, PhD candidate at the Hanken School of Economics, Professor Erkki Sutinen at the University of Turku, Dr. Mika Kautonen at Tampere University ,and Senior Researcher, Professor Liisa Laakso at the Nordic Africa Institute.
The study is available at https://um.fi/publications/-/asset_publisher/TVOLgBmLyZvu/content/kehityspo….
Event programme:
2.00 pm - 2.10 pm Opening words (Secretary of State Johanna Sumuvuori, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, TBC)
2.10 pm - 2.20 pm General remarks on the study (Martti Eirola, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and Dr. Obert Hodzi, University of Liverpool)
2.20 pm - 2.40 pm Energy connectivity in Africa (Eva Nilsson)
2.40 pm - 3.00 pm Transport connectivity in Africa (Dr. Obert Hodzi & Neema Komba)
3.00 pm - 3.20 pm Digital connectivity in Africa (Professor Erkki Sutinen)
3.20 pm - 3.40 pm Research and innovation connectivity in Africa (Dr. Mika Kautonen & Professor Liisa Laakso)
3.40 pm - 4.00 pm Conclusion: Re-connecting Europe and Africa after Covid-19 (Ville Varjola, Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Eva Nilsson, Hanken School of Economics)
For each of the points, time has been reserved for discussion.
Please register for the event by 5.11.2020 in the following link: https://www.lyyti.in/Connecting_Africa
Read more about how personal information is used in the privacy policy: https://um.fi/functions-and-events
The Microsoft Teams link for the event will be sent for all registered participants. For additional information, please contact Nanna Hallikainen (nanna.hallikainen(a)formin.fi<mailto:nanna.hallikainen@formin.fi>). The invitation can be shared with your networks.
Best regards,
Nanna Hallikainen
Unit for the Horn of Africa and Eastern Africa
Department for Africa and the Middle East
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Kanavakatu 3 B, 00160 HELSINKI
Phone: +358 295350305
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Join us on 10 November at 16:00 as François Roubaud and Isabelle Guérin join the WIDER Webinar Series<https://www.wider.unu.edu/node/237129>. During this special 75 minute session they will launch their new book<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/randomized-control-trials-in-the-fi…> on the role of randomized control trials (RCT) in development.
Full details on the event page: https://www.wider.unu.edu/event/fran%C3%A7ois-roubaud-and-isabelle-gu%C3%A9…
COVID-19 and the role …
[View More]of RCTs in development
In October 2019, Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, and Michael Kremer jointly won the 51st Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel “for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty.” But what is the exact scope of their experimental method, known as randomized control trials (RCTs)? Which sorts of questions are RCTs able to address and which do they fail to answer? The edited volume Randomized Control Trials in the Field of Development: A Critical Perspective<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/randomized-control-trials-in-the-fi…>, just published, provides answers to these questions. The book explains how RCTs work, what they can achieve, why they sometimes fail, how they can be improved and why other methods are both useful and necessary.
The book includes contributions from specialists with a range of backgrounds and disciplines, including two other winners of the Nobel Economics Prize.
In short, and even though the book gives voice to contrasting opinions, it shows that the potential of RCTs is much more limited than imagined, generates various perverse effects, and raises fundamental ethical questions. The COVID-19 pandemic is an opportunity to test these conclusions, and question the use but also the limitations of the method.
Gulzar Natarajan and Rachel M. Gisselquist will join the session as discussants. Rachel Gisselquist will be sharing insights from a recent Journal Article<https://www.wider.unu.edu/node/493> on the potential of trials in measuring government performance.
Register here<https://www2.wider.unu.edu/crm/content/webinar-series-10-november>
For more details please contact richardson(a)wider.unu.edu<mailto:richardson@wider.unu.edu>
Ruby Richardson
Communications Assistant
United Nations University World Institute for
Development Economics Research
Phone +358 (0)9 615 99257
Email richardson(a)wider.unu.edu Web wider.unu.edu
Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, FI-00160 Helsinki, Finland
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