tämän kertaisessa rahoitusviestissä on kansainvälisiä rahoitushakuja sekä tietoa EU:n kansalaisten Eurooppa-ohjelman kontakti- ja koulutusseminaarista.
Kannattaa myös seurata Fingon nettisivujen tapahtumakalenteriahttps://www.kepa.fi/tapahtumat/tapahtumakalenteri, jossa ilmoitetaan rahoitukseen liittyvistä tilaisuuksista ja koulutuksista. Voit myös lähettää toiveita ja ehdotuksia rahoituslähteistä minulle.
Ystävällisin terveisin, Helena Helena Nevalainen Asiantuntija – järjestöjen kehitysyhteistyö | Fingo +358 50 3176729 | helena.nevalainen@fingo.fimailto:helena.nevalainen@fingo.fi
*** Ajankohtaista:
* Kansalaisten Eurooppa -yhteyspisteiden kontakti- ja koulutusseminaarihttps://beta.oph.fi/fi/tapahtumat/2019/kansalaisten-eurooppa-making-waves-2019?fbclid=IwAR2_oTK_pqmOVSE5hfJAJYvCeQ_1h9sqm49IBmOXeUXRNgoiY_oQMMhOOVg
hakemukset 9.8.2019 mennessä
Seminaarin tavoitteena on antaa tietoa EU:n Kansalaisten Eurooppa -ohjelmasta, jakaa tietoa hyvistä hanke-esimerkeistä, edistää hankekumppanuuksia ja auttaa uusien hankkeiden kehittämisessä.
Seminaari on suunnattu järjestöjen, kuntien ja aluehallinnon toimijoille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita toteuttamaan hankkeita EU:n Kansalaisten Eurooppa -ohjelman rahoituksella ja jotka etsivät hankekumppaneita joko omaa hanketta varten tai ovat kiinnostuneita lähteä kumppaniksi jonkun muun vetämään hankkeeseen.
* Nordic Climate Facilityhttps://www.ndf.fi/news/nordic-climate-facility-application-period-opens-5-june-2019 (NCF)
hakukierros: 5.6.-5.9.
tarjoaa rahoitusta innovatiivisille ilmastoprojekteille kehitysmaissa. Rahoitusta voidaan myöntää 250.000-500.000 euroa projektia kohden.
NCF järjestää webinaarinhttps://register.gotowebinar.com/register/7060186662078034443, jossa kerrotaan rahoitusinstrumentista sekä hakuprosessista hakuvinkkeineen 13.6.2019.
* National Endowment for Democracyhttps://www.ned.org/apply-for-grant/en/
closing date: 21.6.2019
Type of project: promoting civic education, strengthening civil society organisations, promoting independent media, promoting and defending human rights and the rule of law, strengthening democratic ideas and values, strengthening democratic political processes and institutions, strengthening a broad-based market economy Location: worldwide Eligibility: UK and southern CSOs which may include civic organisations, associations, independent media, and other similar organisations Grant size: average $50,000 over 12 months
* The Open Technology Fund’s Internet Freedom Fundhttps://www.opentech.fund/funds/internet-freedom-fund/ closing date: 1.7.2019
Type of project: projects and people working on open and accessible technology-centric projects that promote human rights, internet freedom, open societies, and help advance inclusive and safe access to global communications networks for at-risk users including journalists, human rights defenders, civil society activists, and every-day people living within repressive environments who wish to speak freely online. Location: Worldwide Eligibility: Non-profit organization/non-government organization, including U.S.-based NGO, PIO, or foreign NGO; Non-profit university or research institution in any country; For-profit organization or business in any country. Grant size: $50,000 - $200,000. Please note this is a performed based contract with payment issued on completion of stated objectives, activities, and deliverables.
* Creating Hope in Conflict: A Humanitarian Grand Challengehttps://humanitariangrandchallenge.org/ Closing date: 16.7.2019
Type of project: Solutions that enable lifesaving or life-improving assistance to reach the most vulnerable and hardest-to-reach people in conflict-generated humanitarian crises. Specifically, we seek innovations that engage the private sector and involve input from the affected communities in order to provide safe water and sanitation, energy, lifesaving information, or health supplies and services to help conflict-affected people Location: Context considered to be hard to reach conflict zones include, but are not limited to: Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Northern Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, The Democratic Republic of the Congo and Yemen. Eligibility: Eligible applicants include social enterprises and other recognized institutions e.g., non-profit organizations and for-profit companies that are formed and legally incorporated. Grant size: $250,000 for up to 25 seed projects innovations, and up to $1,000,000 for five Transition to Scale innovations.
* Danida Market Development Partnershipshttp://um.dk/en/danida-en/sustainable%20growth/partnerships/danida-market-development-partnerships/ Closing date: 9.8.2019
Type of project: to contribute to sustainable economic growth in developing countries within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially SDG 8 Location: Danida priority countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Myanmar, Niger, Palestine, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda. Other countries of interest: Egypt, India, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Ukraine, Indonesia, Georgia, Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon Eligibility: a consortium must as a minimum include a business partner (commercial partner) and a non-commercial partner (administrative partner). Consortia are encouraged to include other relevant partners, which could be a civil society organisation, business member organisation, employer association, public authorities and other public institutions, trade union, university college/business school, research institution, international organisation etc. A consortium must include at least one local partner from the partner country Grant size: DKK 80 million in 2018 for between 10-12 partnerships over 3-5 years