Bridge 47 is seeking an external evaluator to deliver an impact assessment of Bridge 47
The Bridge 47 project is seeking an external evaluator to deliver an impact assessment of Bridge 47. Bridge 47 project (2017-2021) aims to mobilise global civil society to contribute to global justice and eradication of poverty through global citizenship education.
The purpose of the consultancy will be to:
* Undertake an impact assessment of the project's overall impact, the impact of the four outcome areas (network; advocacy; partnerships; innovation and capacity building), and the impact of Bridge 47 communications. * Map other impactful initiatives in the field of Global Citizenship Education, transformative education and Target 4.7. * Analyse the added value Bridge 47 brings to the field of global citizenship education and transformative education and Target 4.7., and how the work of Bridge 47 relates to that of other actors in the field. * Capture effectively lessons learnt and provide information on the nature, extent, and where possible, the potential impact and sustainability of the Bridge 47 project. * Analyse best practices obtained during implementation, which will inform and guide the project consortium and stakeholders in planning of future joint work.
The consultant is expected to perform the following tasks:
* Review project documentation, carry out a desk review of relevant evaluation and narrative reports and carry out inception meetings with the Coordination team of the project and the project's critical friend. * Carry out desk research on the work on GCE, transformative education and Target 4.7. taking place in Europe and globally, including evaluation reports of previous projects, situating Bridge 47 in this wider picture. * Interview staff and Steering Group members, partners and other relevant stakeholders in order to gain understanding of the perceived impact of the work. * Conduct consultative workshops with the Bridge 47 staff and Steering Group as needed, in close collaboration with the project's critical friend. * Collect information from external stakeholders via surveys, consultative workshops and interviews, as needed, in close coordination with the project's critical friend. * Work as a dialogue partners for the key actors of Bridge 47 and give feedback on any potential improvements, gaps and opportunities that arise during the research. * Travelling may be required to complete above mentioned tasks.
Main deliverables:
* A proposal for an impact assessment framework for the Bridge 47 project, based on desk review and inception meetings * Draft impact assessment report * Final impact assessment report
The deadline for receipt of applications is 10 August 2020.
Please visit our website for more information about the consultancy and on how to apply.
Best regards, Jenni Tuominen Administration Coordinator Tel: +358 50 321 8494 Mail: Web: www.bridge47.org Bridge 47 - Building Global Citizenship Fingo - Finnish Development NGOs Join the Bridge 47 network today! [Kuva, joka sis?lt?? kohteen mittari Kuvaus luotu automaattisesti] [cid:image010.png@01D64EF7.C2CE58C0] [cid:image011.png@01D64EF7.C2CE58C0] [cid:image012.png@01D64EF7.C2CE58C0]