Dear All,
Welcome to a public lecture by Audrey Osler, Professor Emerita at University of Leeds & Professor of Education at University College of South East Norway.
"A crisis of citizenship: some implications for educational research and practice"
Time: Monday March 9, 2020 at 10:15-11.45 Place: Aurora building, auditorium 229 (Siltavuorenpenger 10)
Professor Osler will be discussing the possibilities of extending the theory and practice of cosmopolitan citizenship, human rights, democracy and inclusion in education. After the lecture, we will hear two short comments from Dr. Jan-Erik Mansikka and Dr. Anniina Leiviskä, from the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki, followed by an open discussion.
The event is open for all and no registration is needed.
The public lecture is arranged by SEDUCE-doctoral programme and is also a part of an intensive doctoral course: SED-913 “Responding to the crisis of citizenship: possibilities and challenges for human rights education” (3 cr, registration open).
Further details:
Audrey Osler is Professor Emerita at University of Leeds, where she was founding director of the Centre for Citizenship and Human Rights Education (CCHRE) from 2004. She is also Professor of Education at University College of South East Norway and holds a number of honorary and visiting positions. Her research addresses education policy and specifically issues of social justice, peace and human rights in education and she has a particular interest in questions relating to citizenship, cosmopolitanism, identities and child rights. Other long-term interests include post-conflict education (including Kurdistan-Iraq, Cyprus); globalization and nationalism; multiculturalism; the teaching of history and teachers' lives and careers. She acts as consultant and adviser on citizenship education, development education and human rights education for a number of international bodies, including UNESCO, the Council of Europe, the European Commission, the Fundamental Rights Agency and the British Council. Osler is also editor-in-chief of the journal Human Rights Education Review. Find out more about Osler’s work:
Lämpimästi tervetuloa Emerita professori Audrey Oslerin (University of Leeds & University College of South East Norway) luennolle A crisis of citizenship: some implications for educational research and practice.
Aika: maanantai 9.3. klo 10.15-11.45
Paikka: Aurora, auditorio 229 (Siltavuorenpenger 10)
Luennon jälkeen kuulemme lyhyet puheenvuorot FT Jan-Erik Mansikalta ja FT Anniina Leiviskältä (Helsingin Yliopisto), minkä jälkeen puhujat vastaavat yleisön kysymyksiin.
Luento on kaikille avoin eikä ilmoittautumista vaadita.
Tapahtuma on SEDUCE-tohtoriohjelman järjestämä ja myös osa tohtoriopiskelijoille tarkoitettua kurssia SED-913 “Responding to the crisis of citizenship: possibilities and challenges for human rights education” (3 op, rekisteröityminen auki)
On behalf of SEDUCE doctoral programme,
Iida Pyy
PhD student
Doctoral Programme in School, Education, Society and Culture (SEDUCE)
Faculty of Educational Sciences
PL 9 (Psychologicum, Siltavuorenpenger 1A, K134) University of Helsinki
Tuija Kasa Projektisuunnittelija│Projektplanerare│Project Planner Kasvatustieteellinen tiedekunta│Pedagogiska fakulteten│Faculty of Educational Sciences Siltavuorenpenger 1A, PL 9, 00014 Helsingin yliopisto│PB 9, Brobergsterrassen 1A, 00014 Helsingfors universitet│P.O. Box 9, Siltavuorenpenger 1A, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland +358(0)2941 20665 Email:
Ihmisoikeudet, demokratia, arvot ja dialogi kasvatuksessa – Lue lisää hankkeestamme täällä
Mänskliga rättigheter, demokrati, värderingar och dialog inom fostran – läs mer här Human Rights, Democracy, Values and Dialogue in Education – explore our project here