#solidaction Campaign to support public engagement against global inequalities In the context of the COVID-19 crisis, the North-South Centre is launching a participatory campaign to promote citizen solidarity initiatives to support public engagement against global inequalities.
We are currently witnessing an explosion of diverse initiatives in favor of a participatory and solidarity-based citizenship. The emergence of neighborhood services, the protection of vulnerable and elderly people, the attention given to health care personnel, and all these local actions that connect us and of which we are both witnesses and actors, highlight the empathetic nature of the human being.
COVID-19 reminds us that we are all part of the same humanity, but as the UN Global Response plan also evidences, other unresolved crises have a significant impact on our degree of vulnerability with disproportionate and unequal consequences.
When borders close, when migrants and refugees already in the most difficult conditions, see the contagion seep into the camps, when home confinement exacerbates the risk of domestic violence, when water, food and accommodation are in short supply, when democracies and public health services are threatened, when deprived neighborhoods do not have the privilege of being able to apply effective containment measures and will see their population decline more than elsewhere, when women and men don't have the chance to access survival information, we must be alert and react with the same humanist conviction.
The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe calls for collective mobilisation for solidarity in order to engage in an effective fight against the inequalities still deeply embedded in our global system. The unequal distribution of wealth and power undermines the application of human rights on the planet and feeds a global system for a long time contaminated by discriminations. The management of the COVID-19 crisis exacerbates the effects of a globalization of multiple exclusions, which we must jointly eradicate in the context of current crises anticipating those of tomorrow.
This is the time to transpose local solidarity initiatives to a global scale, as possible solutions to the human and environmental crises that have been neglected, as well as to the collateral effects of the actual pandemic.
Let's learn about the positive consequences of a change of the current order on the environment! Let us move together towards universal protection of human dignity, social justice and sustainable development.
Call for action!
Partners, members of our networks, civil society actors, policy makers, journalists, artists, young people, women and men, share with us your initiatives in French or in English by emailmailto:rozenn.hemon@coe.int?subject=%23Solidaction (subject #solidaction)!
They will first be translated and relayed on our channels as part of the campaign "One World, Our World #solidaction" in April 2020. During its next activities, and in a bottom-up approach, the North-South Centre will use this campaign as a basis for reflection in order to build a political common engagement against inequalities and for a sane and sustainable world governance for all. https://www.coe.int/en/web/north-south-centre/solidaction-campaign
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