u.lab: Leading From the Emerging Future An introduction to leading profound social, environmental and personal transformation.
We live in a time of disruptive change. How to activate our capacity to lean into the emerging future may well be the most important leadership challenge of our time. How do you cultivate curiosity, compassion and courage in the face of prejudice, anger and fear?
This course is an introduction to a method called Theory U, developed at MIT, for leading such change in business, government, and civil society contexts worldwide. u.lab will guide you in applying Theory U to an issue that matters to you. You will do so with fellow change makers locally and around the world. Join us as we co-pioneer new approaches to today’s most important social and environmental challenges.
What you'll learn
* The leadership knowledge that matters most: self-knowledge * Capacities of deep listening, precise observation, and dialogue * Practices for creating institutional innovations that generate wellbeing in society Practical information
* Starting date: 12.9.2019 * Length: 14 weeks * Price: Free ( / Verified Certificate for €88) * Institution: MITxhttps://www.edx.org/school/mitx
For further information visit: https://www.edx.org/course/ulab-leading-from-the-emerging-future
Sanna Rekola Asiantuntija, globaalikasvatus | Fingo +358 50 317 6697 | sanna.rekola@fingo.fimailto:sanna.rekola@fingo.fi twitter.com/sannarekola Fingo – Vaikuttaa tulevaisuuteen tänään. viestii | kouluttaa | kasvattaa | tukee | vaikuttaa fingo.fihttp://www.fingo.fi/ | Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/FingoFi/ | Twitterhttps://twitter.com/FingoFi | LinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/fingo-fi/about/ Kepa ja Kehys ovat nyt Fingo. Teemme töitä, jotta maailma olisi reilumpi. Ihan kaikkialla. Olemme 300 kehitysjärjestön yhteistyöjärjestö.