GERIF Newsletter 2 / 2020
Dear all,
We hope you have had a nice summer in spite of these exceptional times we are going through! With this newsletter, we want to inform you about the latest activities and upcoming events related to global education research.
The ANGEL 2020 Early Career Researchers Conference was hosted by the University of Oulu. The conference focused on research on global education and learning. The purpose this year was to discuss and discover the conceptualisations that frame our understanding of this field. Bringing the conference entirely online enabled wider participation from a greater number of countries (40) than previously. The 216 registered participants included over 100 early career researchers and an estimated 75% were first -time attendees. See the video-recorded panel discussions and read the report (available soon):
ANGEL Early Career Researchers Conference: University of Oulu, Finland from 11-12 June 2020 - NOW ONLINE! | Faculty of Education 11-12 June 2020 ONLINE. Hosted by University of Oulu.
On the GERIF website, you find a blogpost by doctoral student Riikka Suhonen from University of Helsinki, who writes about her thoughts on the conference: []
Blog | Global Education Research in Finland (GERIF) August 2020 ANGEL Conference 2020: Online meeting of the community of global education research by Riikka Suhonen On 10 June 2020, I received the anxiously anticipated e-mail from the University of…
Attendees from Manchester Metropolitan University wrote about their learning experiences on the Education and Social Research Institute blog: Their write-up was also posted on LinkedIn and reposted by Karen Pashby: []
Karen Pashby posted on LinkedIn The silver lining to lockdowns and COVID-19 measures? Conferences are so much more accessible and I am grateful to Karen Pashby...
Have you checked out the new Bloomsbury handbook of global education and learning?
Among the many interesting contributions we would particularly like to mention the following chapters co-authored by some of the GERIF coordinators:
“Global education research in Finland” Elina Lehtomäki (University of Oulu, Finland) and Antti Rajala (University of Helsinki, Finland)
“How do Higher Education Students Negotiate Global Responsibility in Education?” by Hanna Posti-Ahokas, Josephine Moate (University of Jyväskylä, Finland) and Elina Lehtomäki (University of Oulu, Finland)
Make sure the library at your institution has a copy! []
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Education and Learning (Bloomsbury Handbooks) Douglas Bourn: Bloomsbury Academic Learning about global issues and themes has become an increasingly recognised element of education in many countries around the world. Terms such as global
FERA CONFERENCE 2020, 15-16 DECEMBER IN HELSINKI We would like to invite all of you to the thematic group on Global Education research at the FERA Conference, which is organized in Helsinki, December 15-16. The call for abstracts will be open from 31 August until 27 September. More information will be provided later! N.B.! The conference organizers closely monitor the coronavirus situation and will provide information on its possible effects on the conference. []
FERA Conference on Education 2020 | University of Helsinki Pedagogikdagarna 2020
VACANCY In Finnish only: Avoinna: Kestävyys- ja globaalikasvatuksen yliopistonlehtori Jyväskylän yliopistossa. DL 14.8.2020.
SYMPOSIUM RECORDING: Learning from Learners: Power, Resistance and Learners’ Voices in an Era of Uncertainty. One outcome of the Re-generating CHAT project is an online invited symposium that was held as part of European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) SIG conference on July 1-3, 2020, see invited symposium is titled Learning from Learners: Power, Resistance and Learners’ Voices in an Era of Uncertainty. By following the link below, you get access to recorded symposium. Among others, there is a contribution from GERIF coordinator Antti Rajala. RE-CONNECTING EERA ONLINE 23-28 AUGUST 2020 At the centre of the 'Reconnecting EERA' week will be a series of recorded presentations by the ECER 2020 keynote speakers. These will be streamed throughout the week and on Friday a live Keynote Panel discussion hosted by the EERA President and including all participating keynotes will be held. In addition to these presentations and conversations, EERA networks will host a series of seminars and other online fora throughout the week. EERA hopes that these events will provide a platform for educational researchers to engage with new ideas, connect with EERA and its networks and ultimately to continue the process of engaging in research for the benefit of society. All are welcome, and all events are free of charge.
WANT TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE GERIF WEBSITE? The aim of the GERIF network is to bring together people interested in global education research in Finland and to provide a space for presenting and discussing topical issues within the field. Although completely voluntary, we would very much appreciate it if you: 1) Send as a brief researcher’s profile text (for examples of how others have done, see AND / OR 2) Write a blogpost related to global education or a review on related literature and send it to us to: Everyone on this list is very welcome to contribute to the GERIF website!
For more information about the e-mail list we use for the newsletter, or in case you want to unsubscribe from the list, follow this link:
For any inquiries or comments, please contact us at:
On behalf of the GERIF network coordinators,
Heidi Henriksson & Antti Kylänpää