Dear all!
FERA Days of Education (24-25.11.2022) are coming, and the call for theme groups is going to open soon (see more information in Gerif is organizing a theme group in the Days. If you are interested in being one of the coordinators in the theme group, please contact me preferably during this week. We recommend that volunteers have a possibility to travel to Oulu in person during the Days.
Please ask if you have any questions.
On behalf of the GERIF network coordinators,
Antti Kylänpää
There are lots of things going on in the field of global education and in the GERIF network!
Write a post about global education research for the GERIF blog
The blog is recruiting writers for this year’s blog posts. If you’re interested to contribute, read the instructions here:
Here’s a few things to put in your calendars:
Showcasing Global Educational Research - Online Seminar 22.3.20222
→ GERIF project “Workshop for collaborative mapping of the emergent Global Education Research in Finland” to be presented at the event!
EERA - European Educational Research Association - presents the results of the 14 projects funded within the GENE Global Educational Research Award 2021. The online event "Showcasing Global Educational Research" will take place on 22 March 10.00 - 13.00 CET (Berlin time) and will feature presentations by and discussions with the project leaders of the various projects. Free participation.…
ANGEL Network events
Interesting global education events are coming up through the ANGEL Network.
* Tuesday, 21 June, 2022: International Summer School on Researching Global Education and Learning: Using literature.
* Wednesday, 1 June, 2022: Regional perspectives: Global education and learning in Latin America.
Find out more:
GENE has launched a process to develop a new Declaration on Global Education in Europe to 2050
Read more here:
UNESCO is revising the 1974 Recommendation concerning education for international understanding, co-operation and peace
Read more here:
Best regards,
GERIF coordinating group
Muistutuskutsu: Huomenna keskiviikkona 9.3. klo 17 Tiedekulmassa tilaisuus Oikeus oppia - Laadukas koulutus kuuluu kaikille. Tervetuloa!
Tervetuloa UNESCO keskusteluun 9.3.2022
Helsingin yliopiston Tiedekulmassa, Yliopistonkatu 4
Klo 17.00-18.30
Myös verkon kautta:…
Lasten pääsy kouluun ensi luokille on toteutunut lähes kaikkialla, mutta
- koulutie katkeaa varhain jo alakoulussa
* vain harvoilla on oikeus saada hyvää opetusta
* eriarvoisuus kasvaa, ohjaus ja tuki puuttuvat
* koulutus ei vastaa lasten tarpeisiin
* koulutus ei johda työllistymiseen
* V. 2030 maailmassa on yli 800 miljoonaa lasta ilman perustaitoja lukemisessa ja matematiikassa
Mitä voimme tehdä, että kaikilla olisi oikeus oppia niin Suomessa kuin kaikkialla maailmassa?
Helsingin yliopiston (HY) kansleri Kaarle Hämeri
Tilannekuva oikeudesta oppimiseen:
Hannele Niemi, HY
Jaakko Salo, OAJ; Paula Malan, Ulkoministeriö; Tuija Kasa, Jatko-opiskelija, HY; Tomi Järvinen, Kirkon Ulkomaanapu; Maija Aksela, Helsingin yliopisto, Unesco toimikunta,
puheenjohtajana Arto Kallioniemi, HY
Kysymyksiä yleisöltä
Erityisasiantuntija Kati Anttalainen, OKM
Tilaisuus pohjautuu UNESCON raporttiin Reimagining our futures together: a new social contract for education
Hannele Niemi, Professori, HY
UNESCO Chair on Educational for Equity and Quality of Learning
Arto Kallioniemi, Professori, HY
UNESCO Chair on Values, Dialogue and Human rights
Dear all,
GENE has asked ANGEL-network about new definitions and directions in global education and learning.
I try to follow up developments in Finland but would like to learn from you in our Gerif network.
In your view, what terms do we use here in Finland? What has changed?
What evidence do we have?
Do we still refer to Maastricht Declaration?
“Global Education is education that opens people’s eyes and minds to the realities of the world and awakens them to bring about a world of greater justice, equity and human rights for all.
Global Education is understood to encompass Development Education, Human Rights Education, Education for Sustainability, Education for Peace and Conflict Prevention and Intercultural Education; being the global dimensions of Education for Citizenship
Evidence of changing role of Global Education in initial teacher education?
In civil societies and public engagement?
Within formal education (including higher-ed), non-formal and informal education?
If there is evidence of engagement with Global Education in areas around democracy, human rights?
Is there evidence around connecting Global Education and themes around addressing xenophobia?
SDG target 4.7. places emphasis on GCE and ESD. How do these terms relate to one another – conceptually, constituency-wise, pedagogically? What does the research say?
What emerging themes and concepts do we have here in Finland?
Please, send your responses by email to me. Thanks!
Elina Lehtomäki
Professor, global education
Faculty of Education, Research unit: Values, ideologies and social contexts of education (VISE)
University of Oulu
P.O. BOX 8000
90014 Oulu
E-mail: elina.lehtomaki(a)<>
Tel. +358294483877
Affiliated Scholar, Biodiverse Anthropocenes<>