From: Stephen McCloskey <stephen(a)centreforglobaleducation.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 7:39 PM
Subject: Policy and Practice Issue 31 has been published
Hello everyone,
Please find below Issue 31 of the Centre for Global Education’s bi-annual, open access, peer reviewed, development education journal Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review<https://www.developmenteducationreview.com/>. The theme of Issue 31 is ‘The Policy Environment for Development Education’ and the Guest Editor, Liam Wegimont, Executive Director of Global Education Network Europe (GENE), finds grounds for optimism for development education policy – the future of which is unwritten - despite the challenging context in which it is currently being practiced. Liam highlights several positive policy initiatives at European Union level, including a growing number of national global education strategies within EU member states. At OECD level, he cites the ‘increasing influence of PISA’ and other ‘policy-focused research initiatives of the Education Directorate of the OECD’. And at a UN level, he finds encouragement in the good practice in global education supported by UNESCO, the SDGs and Bridge 47. I thank Liam for his editorial and longstanding support of the journal.
This special issue of the journal marks our 15th year in publication and has been launched in partnership with our sister development education journals, Sinergias in Portugal, ZEP in Germany and the International Journal on Development Education and Global Learning in England. I extend sincere thanks to Orla Mc Breen, Director, Civil Society and Development Education Unit, in Irish Aid for writing the Foreword to this special issue. Policy and Practice would simply not have the audience and platform that it enjoys today where it not for Irish Aid’s sustained support. I thank all of the contributors to, and readers of, the journal since our launch in 2005 and particularly commend all of the members of the journal’s Editorial Board and International Editorial Board who contribute enormous energy to each new issue.
I hope you will share the journal with colleagues and friends on social media. Please ‘like’ the journal’s facebook page at facebook.com/policyandpractice<https://www.facebook.com/policyandpractice> and feel free to leave comments on articles.
Best regards
Stephen McCloskey
Policy and Practice
Policy & Practice: A Development Education Review Issue 31:
“The Policy Environment for Development Education”
The Policy Environment for Development Education<https://www.developmenteducationreview.com/issue/issue-31/foreword-policy-e…>
Orla Mc Breen
Director, Civil Society and Development Education Unit, Irish Aid
The Policy Environment for Global Education, Development Education and Awareness Raising: Reasons to be Cheerful While the Future is Unwritten<https://www.developmenteducationreview.com/issue/issue-31/preface-policy-en…>
Liam Wegimont
The Wrong Tool for the Job? The Application of Result-Based Approaches in Development Education Learning<https://www.developmenteducationreview.com/issue/issue-31/wrong-tool-job-ap…>
Mags Liddy and Susan Gallwey
A Policy at a Standstill: A Critical Analysis of Global Education in the Polish National Curriculum<https://www.developmenteducationreview.com/issue/issue-31/policy-standstill…>
Dobrawa Aleksiak and Magdalena Kuleta-Hulboj
The Power of Language and the Language of Power: Exploring Discourses on Development Education in Policies Underpinning Adult and Community Education<https://www.developmenteducationreview.com/issue/issue-31/power-language-an…>
Meliosa Bracken
Poverty is a Political Choice: A UN Rapporteur Has Delivered a Withering Critique of the International System<https://www.developmenteducationreview.com/issue/issue-31/poverty-political…>
Stephen McCloskey
E-Tick: The Piloting and Development of a New Course in Ethical Communication<https://www.developmenteducationreview.com/issue/issue-31/e-tick-piloting-a…>
Sive Bresnihan
What are the Challenges for Development Education Arising from the Merger of the UK Department for International Development and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office?<https://www.developmenteducationreview.com/issue/issue-31/what-are-challeng…>
Douglas Bourn
Fighting the Pandemic in the Global South<https://www.developmenteducationreview.com/issue/issue-31/fighting-pandemic…>
Phethani Madzivhandila
War, Suffering and the Struggle for Human Rights<https://www.developmenteducationreview.com/issue/issue-31/war-suffering-and…>
Review by Piaras Mac Éinrí
Important Work in a Time of Volatility: Transnational Perspectives on Democracy, Citizenship, Human Rights and Peace Education<https://www.developmenteducationreview.com/issue/issue-31/important-work-ti…>
Review by Benjamin Mallon
Less is More: How De-Growth Will Save the World<https://www.developmenteducationreview.com/issue/issue-31/less-more-how-deg…>
Review by Stephen McCloskey
Global Justice Education in Critical View<https://www.developmenteducationreview.com/issue/issue-31/global-justice-ed…>
Review by Gerard McCann
The E-TICK Course on Ethical Communication<https://www.developmenteducationreview.com/issue/issue-31/e-tick-course-eth…>
Review by Aislin Lavin
Policy and Practice Issue 32: Call for Contributors
Development Education and Transnationalism
Centre for Global Education is inviting contributions to Issue 32 of our bi-annual, peer reviewed, open access journal Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review<https://developmenteducationreview.com/> on the theme: “Development Education and Transnationalism”. Transnationalism is defined<https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/transnational-perspectives-on-democracy-citiz…> as “a set of processes relating to social, economic and political connections between people, places and institutions, across national borders, potentially spanning the world”. The breadth of this theme enables the journal to focus on issues that have dominated global relations in 2020 including: globalisation, health, racism, education and migration.
The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us, probably like no other issue before it, of our interconnectedness and interdependence with the wider world. As Oxfam<https://reliefweb.int/report/world/no-one-safe-coronavirus-until-everyone-o…> put it: ‘no-one is safe from coronavirus until everyone is’ which highlights how globalization has increasingly integrated us economically and, at the same time, made us more vulnerable to global recessions and invisible viruses.
Transnationalism also affords us an opportunity to explore how we are bound by shared histories and social movements. The Black Lives Matter protests in the United States following the killing of George Floyd have resonated across the world. The removal of statues and monuments dedicated to figures linked to slavery and racism, and the resistance to this, reminds us that racism is steeped in our history and, regrettably, very much part of our present. Issue 32 enables authors to discuss how development education should contribute to this discussion and how the question of racism should be tackled through education policy and practice.
The question of economic justice is also central to transnationalism. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we discovered just how dependent we all are on frontline workers in a range of occupations – health, retail, social care, public transport – and how precarious and poorly remunerated these workers are. How can we ensure that frontline jobs are not ruthlessly discarded in the economic slowdown that will assuredly follow the pandemic? How can migrant workers be protected when forced to operate in informal settings without employment rights and protections? More positively, how can we capture and preserve the best aspects of the community response to COVID-19 and mobilise government resources in a similar fashion to address the climate emergency?
Contributors could consider, through empirical work or theoretical discussion the following:
* The human and environmental impact of transnational capital and corporations locally and globally. Has DE critically interrogated the role of TNCs in society?
* The contrasting government responses to COVID-19 and what they told us about the role of the state in a pandemic and the need for public health?
* How do we deolonise global health and upend traditional research hierarchies which are often dominated by the global North? How can health research be re-oriented toward local social goals? How can medical and global health curricula be imbued with DE values and goals?
* The role of Big Pharma in pricing medicines beyond the reach of the poor and how can it be challenged.
* The role of DE in supporting learning on health from the global South. For example, Cuba’s widely praised health service and emergency medical response brigades? The success of many African states in combatting SARS, Ebola and COVID-19.
* How can DE challenge the ‘othering’ of migrants and value their contribution to societies across the world, for example, through remittances?
* The role of DE programmes in challenging racism locally and internationally.
Authors interested in submitting an article to Issue 32 should send a 300-word abstract to journal editor, Stephen McCloskey, by Friday, 23 October 2020. Please email: stephen(a)centreforglobaleducation.com<mailto:stephen@centreforglobaleducation.com>. The submission date for commissioned articles is Friday, 4 December 2020.
Article Types
There are four kinds of article published in Policy and Practice. Focus<http://www.developmenteducationreview.com/sites/default/files/jennas_pics/F…> articles are peer reviewed, between 3,500 and 6,000 words, and should have a strong critical analysis of their topic. The second is a Perspectives<http://www.developmenteducationreview.com/sites/default/files/jennas_pics/P…> article which is 2,000 – 4,000 words in length and is normally more descriptive, addressing an aspect of practice. Viewpoint<http://www.developmenteducationreview.com/sites/default/files/jennas_pics/V…> articles are designed to provoke debate a given topic and more subjective in the presentation of their argument. Resource<http://www.developmenteducationreview.com/sites/default/files/jennas_pics/R…> review articles are 1,000-2,000 words in length and offer an opinion of a new book, film, teaching resource or online site on development issues.
Please ‘like’ Policy and Practice on Facebook at facebook.com/policyandpractice<https://centreforglobaleducation.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5a08924c…>
Policy and Practice is funded by Irish Aid:
The views expressed in Policy and Practice can in no way be considered to be the official opinion of Irish Aid.
For further information contact:
Stephen McCloskey
Centre for Global Education
9 University Street
Tel: (0044) 2890 241879
E-mail: stephen(a)centreforglobaleducation.com<mailto:stephen@centreforglobaleducation.com>
Web: www.centreforglobaleducation.com<https://centreforglobaleducation.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5a08924c…>
Facebook: www.facebook.com/centreforglobaleducation<https://centreforglobaleducation.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5a08924c…>
--------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Hinke Dobrochinski Candido, Helena <helena.candido(a)helsinki.fi<mailto:helena.candido@helsinki.fi>>
Date: Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 2:21 AM
Subject: Comparative and International Education Seminar
Cc: Hansen, H Petteri <petteri.hansen(a)helsinki.fi<mailto:petteri.hansen@helsinki.fi>>
Dear colleagues,
Petteri Hansen and I are organizing the "Comparative and International Education Seminar", which starts in the end of this month. It is part of the PhD studies curriculum (for the sake of credits), but Master's students and other people interested in discussing comparative and international education topics are welcome to join us.
Please share this information with your colleagues (and students).
In case someone is interested to participate, please send me an e-mail by 20.10.2020 (helena.candido(a)helsinki.fi<mailto:helena.candido@helsinki.fi>), so I can add your e-mail address to the mail-list for sending Zoom details (and other important info).
Best regards,
Helena Hinke Dobrochinski Candido, PhD
Academy of Finland Post-Doctoral Researcher
Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki
Siltavuorenpenger 1B, room 563<https://www.google.com/maps/search/Siltavuorenpenger%0D%0A+1B,+room+563?ent…>, 00014, Helsinki, Finland
+358 503279045
AGORA - Research Center for the Study of Social Justice and Equality in Education (https://www.helsinki.fi/en/agora)
KUPOLI - Research Unit focusing on the Sociology and Politics of Education (http://blogs.helsinki.fi/kupoli-unit/people/)
FuturEd - Interrupting Future Trajectories of Precision Education Governance (https://blogs.helsinki.fi/futuredproject/)
SURE - Social Studies in Urban Education (https://www.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/social-studies-in-urban-education)
From: owner-seduce-l(a)helsinki.fi<mailto:owner-seduce-l@helsinki.fi> <owner-seduce-l(a)helsinki.fi<mailto:owner-seduce-l@helsinki.fi>> on behalf of Turpeinen, Lauri <lauri.turpeinen(a)helsinki.fi<mailto:lauri.turpeinen@helsinki.fi>>
Sent: Friday, 9 October 2020 9:33 AM
To: seduce-l(a)helsinki.fi<mailto:seduce-l@helsinki.fi> <seduce-l(a)helsinki.fi<mailto:seduce-l@helsinki.fi>>
Subject: [seduce-l] Registration open: SED-913 Comparative and International Education Seminar
Dear students,
Why do educational ideas and processes vary? How does education relate to wider social factors and forces? How does local education intertwine with global trends? Which role(s) can education play to mitigate the worldwide challenges that we currently face?
If you have ever asked similar questions…
If your research looks for answers to these sorts of questions, adopts a comparative approach, relies on cross-cultural analysis, and examines the research object from an international perspective…
If you are a critical thinker and have an innovative mind concerning local and global issues…
Or if you are just curious about comparative and international education…
You are all welcome to join our Comparative and International Education Seminar!
This seminar focuses on Comparative and International Education from different perspectives. It covers a variety of theories and research designs, focusing on the comparative and international components of distinct research materials. Our main goals are to engage students with current debates in the field of Comparative and International Education, to encourage them to participate in scientific/academic discussions and argue about their research choices, and to critically evaluate their peers’ and their own research in the light of Comparative and International Education methodological and theoretical approaches. We will promote interaction and collaboration with peers, good practices of giving and receiving feedback, and reflection.
Participants are encouraged to design the meetings, suggest reading materials and define the working methods. In addition to the existing literature, we will discuss participants’ own texts during the seminars. The seminar will organize guest lectures and workshops with participants, emphasizing different expertise, promoting circulation of knowledge and opportunities for networking.
We will have meetings via Zoom every other Tuesday from 10:00 to 12:00. Our first meeting will be on 27.10.2020. Next meetings in 2020 are on 3.11, 17.11, and 1.12. We will continue the seminar in 2021, with scheduled sessions on 19.1, 2.2, 16.2, 2.3, 16.3, 30.3, 13.4, 27.4, and 4.5.
Students will be assessed based on their active participation in the seminar and will receive 5 credits upon completion.
Please contact Helena Hinke Dobrochinski Candido (helena.candido(a)helsinki.fi<mailto:helena.candido@helsinki.fi>) by 20.10.2020 if you are interested to join the Research Seminar in Comparative and International Education.
The registration to the seminar is now open until 19.10.2020.
Go to registration: https://weboodi.helsinki.fi/hy/opettaptied.jsp?OpetTap=137420107&html=0
Best regards,
Helena H. D. Candido & Petteri Hansen
GERIF Newsletter 3 / 2020
Dear all,
Here are some upcoming events and news we want to inform you about!
The FERA conference 15-16th of December 2020 is organized online with the theme “Sustainable Education – Sustainable Future”. The registration is now open! Register here: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/fera-conference-on-education-2020/re…
Registration | FERA Conference on Education 2020 | University of Helsinki<https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/fera-conference-on-education-2020/re…>
At the conference, there is a thematic group on global education research with papers both in English and in Finnish.
The GERIF network also organizes an open meeting for everyone interested in global education research – scholars as well as practitioners and policy-makers. The meeting takes place during the Special Interest Group (SIG) time slot, also online. We will inform about the exact time and instructions for participation as soon as the final conference programme is published.
We warmly invite everyone to join both the paper sessions and the SIG meeting – and the GERIF network in broader terms! For anyone interested, the GERIF network provides opportunities to engage in the field of global education research and to promote dialogue between research and practice.
New coordinators for the network will be elected at the meeting. Please let us know either by e-mail or on the spot if you are interested in being part of the coordinator group.
Call for Papers: Values, Knowledge and Curriculum in Global Citizenship Education
PROSPECTS Comparative Journal of Curriculum, Learning, and Assessment: Special Issue
Values, Knowledge and Curriculum in Global Citizenship Education
Guest Edited by:
Carlos Alberto Torres, University of California, Los Angeles
Emiliano Bosio, University College London, Institute of Education
William Gaudelli, Lehigh University
Submit full draft of manuscript (up to 7000 words, APA style) for consideration by December 15, 2020
For more information, follow the link: https://www.springer.com/journal/11125/updates/18252736
PROSPECTS | Call for papers: values, knowledge and curriculum in global citizenship education<https://www.springer.com/journal/11125/updates/18252736>
Virtual seminar: Challenging the Theory-Practice Divide in the Context of Development Education Centres in England.
This event, hosted on Zoom, will see Dr Andrea Bullivant, a practitioner based with a Development Education Centre (DEC), discuss her research which aims to address the lack of knowledge about conceptualisations of Development Education and Global Learning (DEGL) and the theory-practice relationship from the perspectives of practitioners.
The seminar will be of interest to practitioners, as well as researchers, students and other actors in the field of DEGL with an interest in theory or practice.
This event is part of a series of seminars run by ANGEL partners the Development Education Research Centre (DERC), a UCL Institute of Education research centre that acts as the hub for knowledge generation, new thinking and quality output on development education, global learning and global citizenship.
For more information and registration: https://angel-network.net/events/webinar-1
The webinar is free of charge.
For more information about the e-mail list we use for the newsletter, or in case you want to unsubscribe from the list, follow this link: https://www.globaalikasvatus.fi/mika-globaalikasvatus/taustatieto-ja-tutkim…
For any inquiries or comments, please contact us at: gerif1blog(a)gmail.com<mailto:gerif1blog@gmail.com>
On behalf of the GERIF network coordinators,
Heidi Henriksson