Ulkoministeriön pyynnöstä jakoon ohjelmatukijärjestöille.
From: Helena Nevalainen helena.nevalainen@fingo.fi Sent: 13 April 2022 15:05 To: Senja Väätäinen senja.vaatainen@fingo.fi Subject: KUTSU TYÖPAJAAN: Korruptioriskien hallinta osana hankesykliä 19.5. klo 13.15-16.00
Järjestämme työpäivän korruptioriskien hallinnasta ohjelmatukea saaville kansalaisjärjestöille ja ulkoministeriön virkamiehille, jotka toimivat vastuuvirkamiehinä suomalaisille tai kansainvälisille kansalaisjärjestöille. Kaksikymmentä ensimmäistä mahtuvat mukaan. Olet lämpimästi tervetullut!
Ilmoittaudu tämän linkin kautta: https://www.lyyti.in/Workshop_2_Corruption_Risk_Management_as_Part_of_The_Pr...https://www.lyyti.in/Workshop_2_Corruption_Risk_Management_as_Part_of_The_Project_Cycle_5177
Ulkoministeriön kehityspoliittinen osasto
Workshop: Corruption Risk Management as Part of The Project Cycle Date: Thursday 19.5.2022 at 13.15 - 16.00 Place: Sofia Helsinki, Sofiankatu 4 C, Meeting room Sofian Kulma
Register to the training through Lyyti by 5.5.2022
This workshop on Corruption Risk Management as Part of The Project Cycle is tailor made for MFA desk officers for Finnish NGOs and INGOs and representatives for Finnish NGOs working with local partners in developing countries.
In this interactive and participatory workshop, U4 will share insights and latest research on corruption and the management of corruption risks. U4 will introduce its resources and share how these resources can be useful. Participants will:
* reflect on own experiences * collaboratively identify common approaches and tools to mitigate corruption risks in different sectors * apply a corruption risk management approach The workshop takes place in Sofia Helsinki, Sofiankatu 4 C, Meeting room Sofian Kulma and is held in English.
For further inquiries, please contact Lotta Valtonen (lotta.valtonen@formin.fimailto:lotta.valtonen@formin.fi) and Annika Kaipola (annika.kaipola@formin.fimailto:annika.kaipola@formin.fi).
Draft program 13.15-13.30 Arrival and registration 13.30-14.00 Why do we care about corruption? 14.00-15.30 What can we do about corruption? - Due diligence: assessing risk wiht CSOs - Biases towards funding CSOs and how to avoid them - Reducing corruption risks when working with local organisations - Uganda NGO risk management (As a case example) 15.30-15.50 How can U4 help? 15.50-16.00 Evaluation and closing
The workshop will be facilitated by U4 director Peter Evans, and U4 Advisors Guillaume Nicaise and Sofie Schuette from the U4 Anti-Corrupiton Resource Centre (http://www.u4.no/).
By the end of the session, participants will:
- Agree that corruption is an important issue - geopolically, in sectors, and not just in aid, and and understand how U4's unique offer can support their work;
- Have enhanced knowledge related to Corruption Risk Management (CRM) and strengthened understanding on how to identify corruption risks and plan for practical mitigation measures, including knowledge of and use of U4 resources and services.
We kindly ask all participants to familiarise the U4 1-hour Essentials 1: Basics of Anti-corruption course before the workshop (link: https://www.u4.no/courses/essentials-of-anti-corruption-i-the-basics).
You are warmly welcome! Ystävällisin terveisin, Hannele
Hannele Karppinen Koulutussuunnittelija Kehityspolitiikan yksikkö
[cid:image001.png@01D84E72.DFDC88C0]Puh. +358 295 350 938 hannele.karppinen@formin.fimailto:hannele.karppinen@formin.fi @HanneleKarppinenhttp://twitter.com/mattimallikas
Ulkoministeriö PL 176, Laivastokatu 22 A 00023 Valtioneuvosto um.fi