tällä kertaa rahoituskirjeessä on hyvinkin erilaiseen toimintaan tarkoitettuja rahoitushakuja. Toivottavasti niistä löytyy juuri järjestöllenne sopiva.
Muistathan, että voit varata minulta ajan rahoitusneuvontaan. Meillä on pääsy pariin rahoitustahojen hakukoneeseen ja voimme yhdessä tutkaille juuri järjestöllenne sopivia rahoitusmahdollisuuksia.
Terveisin, Helena Helena Nevalainen Asiantuntija – järjestöjen kehitysyhteistyö | Fingo +358 50 3176729 | helena.nevalainen@fingo.fimailto:helena.nevalainen@fingo.fi
Ulkoministeriön valtionavustukset kansalaisjärjestöjen kehitysyhteistyöhankkeille 2021–2024https://um.fi/hanketuki-kansalaisjarjestoille
Avoinna: 31.1.-31-3-2020
Hanketukea voi hakea hakukriteerit täyttäville kehitysyhteistyöhankkeille, mukaan lukien vuosina 2021–2022 jo käynnissä oleville hankkeille. Valtionavustus on tarkoitettu toimintaan äärimmäisen köyhyyden poistamiseksi, eriarvoisuuden vähentämiseksi sekä ihmisoikeuksien toteutumiseksi YK:n kestävän kehityksen (Agenda 2030:n), Suomen kehityspoliittisten painopisteiden ja kansalaisyhteiskuntalinjauksen (2017) mukaisesti. Tavoitteena on vahvistaa myös kehitysmaiden kansalaisyhteiskunnan kapasiteettia ja toimintatilaa. Hanketukea voi hakea ainoastaan hankkeen toiminnalliseen vaiheeseen. Hanketuki on määräaikaista avustusta.
Hakuilmoitus, hakulomake, perustietoilmoituslomake, haun ehdot ja lisätietoja löytyy Hanketuki kansalaisjärjestöille -sivulta. Hanketukihakemukset tulee laatia ulkoministeriön lomakkeille, jotka ovat saatavissa verkkosivuilta. Hanketukihakemuksen jättäminen edellyttää ensin perustietoilmoituksen toimittamista ulkoministeriöön sähköisen asioinnin kautta. Perustietoilmoituslomake pyydetään toimittamaan 10. maaliskuuta 2020 mennessä
Järjestö voi toimittaa kysymyksiä KEO-30:een (keo-30@formin.fimailto:keo-30@formin.fi) 9.3.2020 asti otsikolla ”Hanketukihaku 2020”. Vastaukset julkaistaan ulkoministeriön verkkosivuilla kahdessa erässä: 10.2.2020 mennessä saapuneisiin kysymyksiin vastataan viimeistään 14.2.2020 ja 9.3.2020 mennessä saapuneisiin vastataan viimeistään 13.3.2020.
Anna Lindh Foundation Call for Proposals 2020https://www.annalindhfoundation.org/grants/guidelines Deadline: 28th April 2020 (16.00 p.m. Egypt time – GMT+2) Aims to support projects in the field of Intercultural Dialogue.
1. The ALF supports ONLY multilateral projects built upon a 1+1 partnership formula. 2. The overall financial envelope of this Call for Proposals is EUR 1,710,000. Minimum grant amount: EUR 35,000 - Maximum grant amount: EUR 50,000
1. The number of projects expected to be awarded through this call: between 40-50 projects. 2. The ALF financial support will not exceed 90% of the total eligible costs of the project and will not be less than 25% of the total eligible cost. 3. The duration of the project must be between a minimum of 8 consecutive months and a maximum of 11 consecutive months Muut:
United Nations Voluntary Fund on Disabilityhttps://www.un.org/development/desa/disabilities/about-us/united-nations-voluntary-fund-on-disability.html#type
Applications received between 1 February and 31 March of each year;
Type of project: The Fund provides small grants to support catalytic and innovative activities that, among others:
1)Promote greater awareness of the CRPD and disability issues;
2)Support the implementation of the CRPD, including through the mainstreaming of disability in regional, national or local development agenda;
3) Build capacity of stakeholders to improve livelihood and well-being of persons with disabilities in developing countries through implementation of the CRPD (stakeholders include organizations of persons with disabilities, their networks, other civil society organizations, Governments, private sector organizations, international development donors, etc);
4) Relationship to national development strategies, policies and programmes, and the CRPD
5) Foster exchange of knowledge and experience, as well as dissemination of inclusive and accessible policies and practices
6) Other considerations include multi-stakeholder partnerships and multiple donors, gender inclusive, new and emerging disability issues, and replicability in other developing countries.
As the UNVF is a small grants fund and resources are limited, priority is given to proposals seeking “seed-money” (as opposed to support for an organization’s general budget) to be used for projects involving catalytic and innovative actions and projects whose successes can be further replicated in other areas.
The American Express Foundation https://about.americanexpress.com/grant-applications-and-reports Type of project: unsolicited applications can be made under the areas: Developing Leaders within non-profit and social purpose organisations working to solve the world's biggest challenges; and Serving Communities by building the capacity of non-profits to develop, engage and retain community members as volunteers Location: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Greater China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, UK, USA Eligibility: non-profit organisations Draper Richards Kaplan https://www.drkfoundation.org/apply-for-funding/ Type of project: Innovative strategies, systems changing approaches, and disrupting technologies seeking to dramatically improve the lives of people and the world. Our goal is to find social entrepreneurs with dynamic ideas and nurture them at the early stages with maximum leverage and total commitment. We concentrate our selection on the capabilities of the founder, the scalability of the model, and the potential impact of the organization on the world. Location: Worldwide Eligibility: Individual leaders, domestic (U.S.) and international organizations, non-profit, for-profit and hybrid social enterprises may apply. Grant size: 3 years of unrestricted capital totalling $300,000 Ford Foundationhttp://www.fordfoundation.org/grants/organizations-seeking-grants Type of projects: educational opportunity and scholarship; sustainable development; freedom of expression; gender; sexuality and reproductive justice; human rights; economic fairness Countries: worldwide Grant range: unspecified FP2020 Rapid Response Mechanismhttp://www.familyplanning2020.org/microsite/rrm Type of project: family planning Eligibility: Registered NGOs, CSOs and INGOs, governments, private and UN organisations are eligible Grant size: up to US$ 250,000. The vast majority of projects receive less than US$100,000. Please note grants cannot be used to fund: Purchase of contraceptives; Government staff salaries or honorariums; Scholarships to individuals; Fees to attend a conference; Basic research, academic studies or surveys; Capital equipment (such as machinery, vehicles, IT equipment, and office furniture) Global Fund for Childrenhttps://globalfundforchildren.org/how-to-become-a-partner/ Type of projects: innovative, locally-led projects where all children and young people enjoy equal resources and opportunities in society and can live to their full potential Location: worldwide Eligibility: legally registered as a local organisation in the country where you operate with youth or child-focused programmes. Most new partners have budgets under $100,000 Global Fund for Community Foundations https://globalfundcommunityfoundations.org/what-we-do/grants/apply-for-a-grant/ Type of project: strengthening community foundations and other local philanthropic institutions, including women's funds, human rights funds and other grassroots grant makers Location: Latin America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, East and Central Europe, and Central Asia. Applications from community philanthropy organisations representing disadvantaged communities in the global north will also be considered on a case-by-case basis Eligibility: community philanthropy organisations, including community foundations, women's funds, environmental funds, national public foundations and other grassroots grant makers Budget: US $7,000–$15,000 Global Fund for Womenhttps://www.globalfundforwomen.org/apply-for-a-grant/#.WxTtUEjRDIU Type of projects: gender equality and human rights Location: worldwide Eligibility: local organisations working directly in their communities, which are led by historically marginalised groups such as women, girls, or trans people
Global Innovation Fund https://globalinnovation.fund/apply/steps/understanding-the-application-process/ Type of project: social innovations that aim to improve the lives and opportunities of millions of people. There are three stages applicants can apply for:
1. Pilot: Your innovation is still in an early phase. You are testing core assumptions around operational, social and financial viability. 2. Test and Transition: Your innovation has completed initial testing and is now transitioning to larger scale. You have some information on your operational, social and financial viability. You want to solidify this before you scale. 3. Scale: Your innovation has solid operational, social and financial viability. You have strong evidence that my innovation improves the lives of those living on less than $5 PPP per day. Now you want to replicate your innovation in new countries and context, reaching millions of people.
Location: developing countries. Eligibility: for-profit firms, non-profit organisations, researchers, and government agencies may apply. Less than 10% of applicants are invited to submit full proposals. Grant size:
Pilot projects: The maximum per project is $230,000 USD.
Test and Transition: The maximum per project is $2.3 million, although the average investment size is smaller
Scale: The maximum per project is $15 million, although the average investment size is much smaller Global security challengeshttps://grants.mfa.no/#call/1081 Type of projects: combatting global security challenges, with particular focus on countries affected by conflict and fragility and to support relevant analyses and the development of situational awareness Location: regions in North Africa, the Sahel, the Horn of Africa, the Middle East and South East Asia Eligibility: NGOs (Norwegian, international and local, including non-commercial foundations), the UN system and other multinational organisations Open Society Initiative for East Africahttps://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/grants/open-society-initiative-eastern-africa Type of projects: health and rights; freedom of expression and information; justice and human rights Countries: East African countries Grant range: $10,000 to $200,000 The Robert Bosch Stiftung https://www.bosch-stiftung.de/en/support-we-offer Type of projects: The Foundation is open to receiving short summaries of new project ideas, provided they are in line with their strategic and funding principles. These are: Education; Society (including Civil Society; Migration; Youth & Democracy); Health (including chronic disease care); International Relations; Science & Research. Application procedure: The procedure is a two-stage process. Firstly, you submit your project idea. The idea summarizes the content and financing of the envisaged project. The Foundation will contact you to confirm whether they can pursue your idea further and if so, you will be invited to submit a comprehensive project application. Location: Worldwide Type of projects: The Foundation does not accept proposals for building projects, investments, manufacturing facilities, ongoing infrastructure costs, projects that have been proposed in the past, Printing costs, Evaluation measures outside the scope of projects carried out or supported by the Foundation. Trafigura Foundation https://www.trafigurafoundation.org/selection-criteria/ Type of project: Programmes that achieve effective and lasting impact in the Foundation’s two focus areas: Fair and Sustainable Employment and Clean and Safe Supply Chains. Programmes must contribute to our commitment to help people reach their full potential. As such, we favour programmes that demonstrate strong ownership, build local capacities and clearly articulate how to increase the autonomy of beneficiaries. Location: Countries where Trafigura Group has operations. Eligibility: Small- to medium-sized NGOs or small projects within larger NGOs are eligible. UNDP Small Grants Programmehttp://sgp.undp.org/about-us-157/how-to-apply.html Type of projects: biodiversity, climate change mitigation and adaptation, land degradation and sustainable forest management, international waters and chemicals Location: worldwide Eligibility: local communities including indigenous people, community-based organizations and other non-governmental groups may apply Grant size: the programme provides grants of up to $50,000