Welcome to meet Mr. Paul Okumu, the head of the Africa Platform
time: Monday 4th of November at 5.30 pm (or 17.30)
place: Fingo´s Niili conference room, 5th floor, Elimäenkatu 25-27, 00520 Helsinki
registration by 3th November: kehyneuvonta(a)fingo.fi<mailto:kehyneuvonta@fingo.fi>
Paul Okumu<https://www.accord.org.za/people/paul-okumu/> heads the Secretariat of the Africa Platform (AP), a Pan African Platform working with societies, governments and businesses to rebuild the Social contract and re-establish the society as the source of state legitimacy and the final authority to whom all development actors businesses and development partners are accountable.
In this capacity he is responsible for brokering relations between the governing and the governed, the development actors and the development beneficiaries, and society and businesses, to strengthen state legitimacy and accountable development. He sits on the Global UNDP Civil Society Advisory Committee and the UNDP Regional Program Advisory Board for Africa. He is especially interested in Conflict and Mediation, Taxation/Evasion, Illicit Financial Flows, Natural Resource Management and the Extractive Industry.
Come and share experiences on latest development in space of civil society in Africa!
Light refreshments and snacks are available. Discussion will be in English.
with regards,
Helena Nevalainen
Adviser – Development Cooperation| Fingo
+358 50 3176729 | Helena.nevalainen(a)fingo.fi<mailto:Helena.nevalainen@fingo.fi>
Making the future better – today.
communicates | trains | educates | supports | influences
fingo.fi<http://www.fingo.fi/> | Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/FingoFi/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/FingoFi> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/fingo-fi/about/>
Kepa and Kehys are now Fingo. Fingo and its member organisations work to make life better – for everyone. We are an umbrella organisation for 300 Finnish Development NGOs.
Kansainvälinen tarinankerrontafestivaali Samova Fest 29.10.-3.11. tuo tällä viikolla tiistaista sunnuntaihin Helsinkiin ja Vantaalle useita kansainvälisiä tarinankertojia. Ohjelma muodostuu identiteetti-teemaa eri kulmista tarkastelevista esityksistä, työpajoista sekä taiteilijatapaamista. Ohjelmaa on aikuisille sekä lapsille. Tutustu festivaalin koko ohjelmaan www.samovafest.fi<https://www.samovafest.fi/lineup?fbclid=IwAR3ORK5Ei-sSb5jmQb9pyzOSGc-F2wZDo…>.
Nostoja ohjelmasta:
Maïmouna Jallow on toimittaja ja kirjailija Nairobista joka esittää dramatisoinnin Lola Shoneyin romaanista “The secret lives of Baba Segi’s wives. Esitys on silmiä avaava tarina Polygamisen perheen perinteiden yhteentörmäämisestä moderniin aikaan. Maïmouna Jallow on tarinankertoja, journalisti ja taide- ja mediaorganisaatio Positively African johtaja. Esityksessään hän pohtii miten rakennamme maailmankuvaamme tarinoiden avulla sekä nykyaikaa, tasa-arvoa, naisten asemaa ja identiteettiin liittyviä kysymyksiä.
Maïmouna Jallow esiintyy Taidemuseo Artsissa torstaina 31.10. klo 18.00, samalla voi käydä katsomassa Laila Pullisen näyttelyn - yleisöopastus kello 17.00 (ilmainen sisäänpääsy), Koko-teatterilla lauantaina 3.11. klo 18.30. Maïmounan englanninkielinen työpaja Workshop Adapting Novels Lapinlahden Lähteellä sunnuntaina 3.11. klo 12-14.00. Esityskieli englanti.
Työpaja englanniksi: https://www.facebook.com/events/2465449966905455/?active_tab=about Registration for the workshop: info.samovary(a)gmail.com<mailto:info.samovary@gmail.com>
Tämä osa ohjelmaa on tuotettu Frame, Voice, Report-hankkeen ja Euroopan unionin rahoitustuella.
Amir Mirzai (Iran / Norja) yhteistyössä Torgrim Mellum Stenen kanssa kertoo Iranin vallankumouksen jälkeisistä sotakokemuksista ilmavoimien upseerina ja journalistina. Esitys tutkii käsityksiämme sankaruudesta, sekä pakomatkasta Eurooppaan 1980 luvun lopulla ja antaa omakohtaisen kuvan konfliktista jota emme aikaisemmin ole kuulleet.
Torgrim Mellum Stene (Norja) kertoo toisenlaista tarinaa identiteetistä, virtuaalisessa todellisuudessa pelimaailman sisällä, jollaista miljoonat ihmiset elävät tänä päivänä.
Työpaja englanniksi: https://www.facebook.com/events/2536746749750501/ Registration for the workshop: info.samovary(a)gmail.com<mailto:info.samovary@gmail.com>
Pe 1.11. klo 14-17, Lapinlahden Lähde
Storytelling workshop: Stories of East and West- Two Perspectives on the Personal Story: storytellers Amir Mirzai (Iran), Torgrim Mellum Stene (Norway) .
Ann Fält (Ruotsi) tuo katsojalle Ruotsista paluupostina satoja vuosia vanhoja lauluja ja tarinoita Ruotsiin muuttaneilta “metsäsuomalaisilta”.
Vuoden Nuori Lausuja 2018 Miiko Toiviaisen esitys Kepeä elämäni luo uudenlaista ja kepeää katsontakulmaa Trans-sukupuolisuuteen vastapainoksi yleiselle, ja usein traagisellekin tarinalle, jota meille mediassa kerrotaan.
Tarinankerronta on yksi ihmiskunnan alkuperäisimmistä taidemuodoista. Tarinoiden ja kertomusten kautta rakennamme omaa identiteettiämme sekä voimme samaistua ja ymmärtää eri lähtökohdista tulevien ihmisten näkemyksiä. Samova ry pyrkii toiminnallaan tuomaan tarinankerrontaa nähtäväksi suomalaisten ja kansainvälisten taiteilijoiden voimin.
Tutustu festivaalin koko ohjelmaan www.samovafest.fi<http://www.samovafest.fi>. Lisätiedot: info.samovary(a)gmail.com<mailto:info.samovary@gmail.com>
Christa Prusskij
p.050-596 2345
Viestin välitti,
Johanna Harjunpää
Projektipäällikkö, Frame, Voice, Report! | Fingo
+358 50 317 6701 | johanna.harjunpaa(a)fingo.fi<mailto:johanna.harjunpaa@fingo.fi>
twitter.com/JohannaHarjunp | fi.linkedin.com/in/johannaharjunpaa
Fingo – Vaikuttaa tulevaisuuteen tänään.
viestii | kouluttaa | kasvattaa | tukee | vaikuttaa
fingo.fi<http://www.fingo.fi/> | Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/FingoFi/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/FingoFi> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/fingo-fi/about/>
Kepa ja Kehys ovat nyt Fingo. Teemme töitä, jotta maailma olisi reilumpi. Ihan kaikkialla. Olemme 300 kehitysjärjestön yhteistyöjärjestö.
Frame, Voice, Report! on Euroopan unionin rahoittama hanke.
Welcome to meet Mr. Paul Okumu, the head of the African Platform
time: Monday 4th of November at 5.30 pm (or 17.30)
place: Fingo´s Niili conference room, 5th floor, Elimäenkatu 25-27, 00520 Helsinki
registration by 3th November: kehyneuvonta(a)fingo.fi<mailto:kehyneuvonta@fingo.fi>
Paul Okumu heads the Secretariat of the Africa Platform (AP), a Pan African Platform working with societies, governments and businesses to rebuild the Social contract and re-establish the society as the source of state legitimacy and the final authority to whom all development actors businesses and development partners are accountable.
In this capacity he is responsible for brokering relations between the governing and the governed, the development actors and the development beneficiaries, and society and businesses, to strengthen state legitimacy and accountable development. He sits on the Global UNDP Civil Society Advisory Committee and the UNDP Regional Program Advisory Board for Africa. He is especially interested in Conflict and Mediation, Taxation/Evasion, Illicit Financial Flows, Natural Resource Management and the Extractive Industry.
Come and share experiences on latest development in space of civil society in Africa!
Light refreshments and snacks are available. Discussion will be in English.
with regards,
Helena Nevalainen
Adviser - Development Cooperation| Fingo
+358 50 3176729 | Helena.nevalainen(a)fingo.fi<mailto:Helena.nevalainen@fingo.fi>
Making the future better - today.
communicates | trains | educates | supports | influences
fingo.fi<http://www.fingo.fi/> | Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/FingoFi/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/FingoFi> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/fingo-fi/about/>
Kepa and Kehys are now Fingo. Fingo and its member organisations work to make life better - for everyone. We are an umbrella organisation for 300 Finnish Development NGOs.
Indigenous Cultures in film panel discussion & screening of Retablo by Alvaro
Delgado-Aparicio (Peru)
Sunday 27 October
16:00-17:30 and 18:00-19:45
Cultural Center
Caisa (Kaikukatu 4, Helsinki)
The Latin American
Film Festival Cinemaissí organizes a panel discussion on Indigenous
Cultures on Sunday 27 October at 16:00-17:30 at Cultural Center Caisa
(Kaikukatu 4).
The discussion is
followed at 18:00-19:45 by Alvaro Delgado-Aparicio’s film Retablo (Peru,
CONVERSATION: Indigenous Cultures in film
How is the
representation of Indigenous cultures in cinema evolving? What is the
importance of cultural production in the preservation of indigenous languages
and traditions? Can film affect the status of indigenous communities?
Welcome to a
discussion about the representation of Indigenous cultures in film. Panelists
will discuss and compare the contexts of Finland and Latin America.
In conversation
Suvi West, Director,
'Me and My Little Sister', ‘Märät säpikkäät'
Pirjo Virtanen, Professor
of Indigenous Studies at University of Helsinki
Jenni Kivistö, Director,
‘Land Within'
Roxana Crisólogo, Poet,
Cultural Worker, Founder of Sivuvalo, member of La Colectiva
The discussion if
open and free of charge.
Event on
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1707725979359496/
RETABLO / Alvaro
Delgado-Aparicio, Peru, 2017
Language: Quechua (subtitles in English)
After the
discussion, Cinemaissi is proud to screen a peruvian film, Retablo, an
indigenous language film.
Segundo Paucar, a
14-year-old boy wants to become a master story-box maker just like his father
to carry on with the family legacy. On his way to a community celebration in
the Andes, Segundo accidentally observes his father in a situation that
shatters his whole world. Trapped in a chauvinistic environment, Segundo will
try to deal in silence with all that is happening to him.
More about the
film: https://cinemaissi.com/retablo/
Tickets: 9,50 /
8,00 €.
The Indigenous Cultures in film discussion event is part of Cinemaissí's ‘Cinema in Conversation’ talks
series that deep dives into four broad themes reflected in Cinemaissí
festival's film selection: LGBTQ+, feminism, youth movements and indigenous
Read more: https://cinemaissi.com/cinema-in-conversation/
23-27 October,
15 films from 10
Latin American countries.
Festival program
and films: http://www.cinemaissi.com//festival-2019
year, the Latin American Film Festival Cinemaissí casts light on the
transgression and the battle of the so-called minorities that raise their
voices and demand to be heard." - Carlos Marroquin,
Artistic Director
Youth Voice panel discussion & documentary Your Turn (Espero tua (re)volta) by Eliza Capai (Brazil)
26 October
14:00-15:30 and 16:00-17:45
Cultural Center Caisa (Kaikukatu 4, Helsinki)
The Latin American Film Festival Cinemaissí organizes a panel discussion on Youth Voice on Saturday 26 October at 14:00-15:30 at Cultural Center Caisa (Kaikukatu 4).
The discussion is followed at 16:00-17:45 by Eliza Capai's documentary Your Turn (Espero tua (re)volta) about youth protests in Brazil in 2013-2018.
Join us for a celebration of youth voice, self-organisation and everyone's right to education.
What are youth willing to do to fight for education and for the future? What does civil disobedience and social action mean for young people in Finland? What is the importance of documentary-film making in bringing about change?
We discuss the situation in Finland, and also compare with Brazil and Argentina, where privatisation of education is on the increase of what was considered some of the best public education systems some decades ago. Hear from panelists if they believe that could happen here in Finland.
In conversation with:
Emma Aurora Ahlroos, 16 yr old High School Student, Elokapina - Extinction Rebellion Finland
Thomas William Poole, Journalist, Photographer, Documentary Filmmaker
Aleksi Vehmassalo, Pre-school Teacher, Teacher Student Union Suomen Opettajaksi Opiskelevien Liitto SOOL, Green Party Youth/ Vihreät nuoret
Jenna Sorjonen, Education Policy Expert, Student Union of the University of Helsinki/ Helsingin yliopiston ylioppilaskunta - HYY
Amos Wallgren, Student Activist, Left Students of Finland, Vasemmisto-opiskelijat - Vasop, Sitoutumaton vasemmisto
The discussion is moderated by: Eino Antonio, Freelance Journalist and Filmmaker.
The discussion if open and free of charge.
Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/694400487726889/
YOUR TURN (Espero tua (re)volta) / Eliza Capai, Brazil, 2018
The Youth Voice discussion is inspired by the documentary film Your Turn (Espero tua (re)volta) by Eliza Capai. The film follows young people in Brazil who occupied their schools in protest against the government closing them down in 2013-2018. Their fight to protect the quality of their free public education became a fight for their voice and rights. The documentary is Amnesty International Prize winner.
More about the film: http://www.cinemaissi.com/your-turn/
Tickets: 9,50 / 8,00 €.
The Youth Voice discussion event is part of Cinemaissí's ‘Cinema in Conversation’ talks series that deep dives into four broad themes reflected in Cinemaissí festival's film selection: LGBTQ+, feminism, youth movements and indigenous cultures.
Read more: https://cinemaissi.com/cinema-in-conversation/
23-27 October, Helsinki
15 films from 10 Latin American countries.
Festival program and films: http://www.cinemaissi.com/festival-2019
"This year, the Latin American Film Festival Cinemaissí casts light on the transgression and the battle of the so-called minorities that raise their voices and demand to be heard." - Carlos Marroquin, Artistic Director
Tervetuloa aamiaistilaisuuteen pe 1.11. klo 9-10.00 tapaamaan Maïmouna Jallowia, Nairobissa asuvaa tarinankertojaa ja journalistia. Hän on taide- ja mediaorganisaatio Positively African johtaja ja hän osallistuu Suomessa SamovaFEST- kansainväliselle tarinankerrontafestivaalille 29.10.-3.11.
Aamiaistilaisuudessa on ainutlaatuinen mahdollisuus kuulla Maïmounan tarinointia sekä keskustella hänen työstään ja ajatuksistaan vastavuoroisesti. Maïmounan sanoin: "Uskon, että sanoilla on merkitystä! Ne auttavat muokkaamaan maailmaa - kuinka me ymmärrämme ja käsittelemme sitä." Tilaisuus on englanninkielinen ja järjestetään Fingon Amazon-koulutustilassa (Elimäenkatu 25-27, 6. kerros).
Positively African tuo esiin Afrikan rikasta kulttuuria. Se on organisaatio, jonka tarkoituksena on inspiroida, yhdistää erilaisista taustoista tulevia taiteilijoita ja yleisöjä vuorovaikutukseen. Positively African yrittää kiteyttää kaiken sen, mikä on myönteistä Afrikan mantereella ja pyrkii rakentamaan taiteen avulla perustan paremmalle tulevaisuudelle.
SamovaFEST on kansainvälinen tarinankerrontafestivaali Helsingissä 29.10.-3.11.Festivaalilla nähdään esityksiä, työpajoja ja tapahtumia identiteetistä. Maïmouna Jallow esiintyy torstaina 31.10. Taidemuseo Artsissa klo 18.00 ja Koko-teatterilla lauantaina klo 18.30. Tutustu festivaalin koko ohjelmaan www.samovafest.fi<http://www.samovafest.fi>. Festivaali on osittain tuotettu Euroopan unionin rahoitustuella.
Aamiaistilaisuuden ja festivaalin järjestää tarinankerrontayhdistys Samova ry ja Fingo. Yhteystiedot: info.samovary(a)gmail.com<mailto:info.samovary@gmail.com>.
Ilmoittautumiset 30.10 mennessä: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=gWuLXKdrXUOdrAnl6z8BuNv…
Welcome to a breakfast gathering on Fri 1st November at 9-10 to meet Maïmouna Jallow, a Nairobi based storyteller and a journalist. She is the director of arts and media company, Positively African and she will be performing at the international storytelling festival SamovaFEST 29.10.-3.11.
This is an unique opportunity to hear Maïmouna's stories and talk about her work, thoughts and vice versa. Maïmouna has said: I believe that, Words Matter! They help shape our world - how we conceive it and understand it. The discussion will be in English and at Fingo's Amazon meeting room (Elimäenkatu 25-27, 6th floor).
Positively African is a celebration of Africa's rich culture. It is an organisation created to inspire, unite artists and audiences from different backgrounds. Positively African is an organisation that tries to encapsulate all that is positive about the African continent and through art build on foundations for a better future.
SamovaFEST is an international storytelling festival in Helsinki 29.10.-3.11.The festival performances, workshops and events handle the theme of identity. Maïmouna Jallow will perform on Thu 31st Oct at 6 p.m. at Art museum Artsi (free) and on Sat 2 Nov at 6.30 p.m. at Koko Theatre. See the whole programme here www.samovafest.fi<http://www.samovafest.fi>. The festival is partly funded with the financial assistance of the European Union.
The breakfast gathering and the festival is organised by Samova storytelling organization and Fingo. Contact: info.samovary(a)gmail.com<mailto:info.samovary@gmail.com>.
Registration by October 30th: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=gWuLXKdrXUOdrAnl6z8BuNv…
Ystävällisin terveisin / Best Regards,
Johanna Harjunpää/ Fingo & Christa Prusskij/ Samova
Johanna Harjunpää
Projektipäällikkö, Frame, Voice, Report! | Fingo
+358 50 317 6701 | johanna.harjunpaa(a)fingo.fi<mailto:johanna.harjunpaa@fingo.fi>
twitter.com/JohannaHarjunp | fi.linkedin.com/in/johannaharjunpaa
Fingo - Vaikuttaa tulevaisuuteen tänään.
viestii | kouluttaa | kasvattaa | tukee | vaikuttaa
fingo.fi<http://www.fingo.fi/> | Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/FingoFi/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/FingoFi> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/fingo-fi/about/>
Kepa ja Kehys ovat nyt Fingo. Teemme töitä, jotta maailma olisi reilumpi. Ihan kaikkialla. Olemme 300 kehitysjärjestön yhteistyöjärjestö.
Frame, Voice, Report! on Euroopan unionin rahoittama hanke.
Tervetuloa aamiaistilaisuuteen pe 1.11. klo 9-10.00 tapaamaan Maïmouna Jallowia, Nairobissa asuvaa tarinankertojaa ja journalistia. Hän on taide- ja mediaorganisaatio Positively African johtaja ja hän osallistuu Suomessa SamovaFEST- kansainväliselle tarinankerrontafestivaalille 29.10.-3.11.
Aamiaistilaisuudessa on ainutlaatuinen mahdollisuus kuulla Maïmounan tarinointia sekä keskustella hänen työstään ja ajatuksistaan vastavuoroisesti. Maïmounan sanoin: "Uskon, että sanoilla on merkitystä! Ne auttavat muokkaamaan maailmaa - kuinka me ymmärrämme ja käsittelemme sitä." Tilaisuus on englanninkielinen ja järjestetään Fingon Amazon-koulutustilassa (Elimäenkatu 25-27, 6. kerros).
Positively African tuo esiin Afrikan rikasta kulttuuria. Se on organisaatio, jonka tarkoituksena on inspiroida, yhdistää erilaisista taustoista tulevia taiteilijoita ja yleisöjä vuorovaikutukseen. Positively African yrittää kiteyttää kaiken sen, mikä on myönteistä Afrikan mantereella ja pyrkii rakentamaan taiteen avulla perustan paremmalle tulevaisuudelle.
SamovaFEST on kansainvälinen tarinankerrontafestivaali Helsingissä 29.10.-3.11.Festivaalilla nähdään esityksiä, työpajoja ja tapahtumia identiteetistä. Maïmouna Jallow esiintyy torstaina 31.10. Taidemuseo Artsissa klo 18.00 ja Koko-teatterilla lauantaina klo 18.30. Tutustu festivaalin koko ohjelmaan www.samovafest.fi. Festivaali on osittain tuotettu Euroopan unionin rahoitustuella.
Aamiaistilaisuuden ja festivaalin järjestää tarinankerrontayhdistys Samova ry ja Fingo. Yhteystiedot: info.samovary(a)gmail.com.
Ilmoittautumiset 30.10 mennessä: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=gWuLXKdrXUOdrAnl6z8BuNv…
Welcome to a breakfast gathering on Fri 1st November at 9-10 to meet Maïmouna Jallow, a Nairobi based storyteller and a journalist. She is the director of arts and media company, Positively African and she will be performing at the international storytelling festival SamovaFEST 29.10.-3.11.
This is an unique opportunity to hear Maïmouna's stories and talk about her work, thoughts and vice versa. Maïmouna has said: I believe that, Words Matter! They help shape our world - how we conceive it and understand it. The discussion will be in English and at Fingo's Amazon meeting room (Elimäenkatu 25-27, 6th floor).
Positively African is a celebration of Africa's rich culture. It is an organisation created to inspire, unite artists and audiences from different backgrounds. Positively African is an organisation that tries to encapsulate all that is positive about the African continent and through art build on foundations for a better future.
SamovaFEST is an international storytelling festival in Helsinki 29.10.-3.11.The festival performances, workshops and events handle the theme of identity. Maïmouna Jallow will perform on Thu 31st Oct at 6 p.m. at Art museum Artsi (free) and on Sat 2 Nov at 6.30 p.m. at Koko Theatre. See the whole programme here www.samovafest.fi. The festival is partly funded with the financial assistance of the European Union.
The breakfast gathering and the festival is organised by Samova storytelling organization and Fingo. Contact: info.samovary(a)gmail.com.
Registration by October 30th: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=gWuLXKdrXUOdrAnl6z8BuNv…
Ystävällisin terveisin / Best Regards,
Johanna Harjunpää/ Fingo & Christa Prusskij/ Samova
Johanna Harjunpää
Projektipäällikkö, Frame, Voice, Report! | Fingo
+358 50 317 6701 | johanna.harjunpaa(a)fingo.fi<mailto:johanna.harjunpaa@fingo.fi>
twitter.com/JohannaHarjunp | fi.linkedin.com/in/johannaharjunpaa
Fingo - Vaikuttaa tulevaisuuteen tänään.
viestii | kouluttaa | kasvattaa | tukee | vaikuttaa
fingo.fi<http://www.fingo.fi/> | Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/FingoFi/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/FingoFi> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/fingo-fi/about/>
Kepa ja Kehys ovat nyt Fingo. Teemme töitä, jotta maailma olisi reilumpi. Ihan kaikkialla. Olemme 300 kehitysjärjestön yhteistyöjärjestö.
Frame, Voice, Report! on Euroopan unionin rahoittama hanke.
How to Solve Today's Wicked Problems in Global Citizenship Education Using Paulo Freire’s Approach
Dates: 16-17 December, 2019, from 9am to 4pm
Place: Fingo Amazon-training room, 6th floor, Elimäenkatu 25-27, Helsinki, Finland
Sign in<https://www.fingo.fi/tapahtumat/2019-12-how-solve-todays-wicked-problems-gl…>
The Amazon is burning, natural resources are running out, climate change threatens all of us and inequality is increasing. It is no secret that we are facing enormous global problems today. Some of us ignore the issues, some freeze in front of them and many of us simply feel hopeless. How would Paulo Freire approach these wicked problems we face today? Freire would not give us any miraculous quick-fix for tackling these challenges, as he believed that, ‘“No one knows everything and no one knows nothing; no one educates anyone, no one educates himself alone, people educate each other, mediated by the world”.
Come join us and discover out how critical, engaging and problem solving based Global Citizenship Education is done today both in the Global South and North, by using Freire’s approach. In this training, we will co-create and deepen our level of understanding of quality Global Citizenship Education and its connection to the Sustainable Development Goals.
This training is meant for civil society organization employees and volunteers with some experience in Global Citizenship Education, development communications and campaigns. This participatory training will encourage participants to engage in brave, innovative teaching/campaign strategies for Global Citizenship Education and introduce new and creative ideas and tools for their work, by using Freire’s approach.
During the training, you will get familiar with principles distilled by American scholar Michael Q. Patton (*) from the use of Freire’s approaches in Brazil, Guinea Bissau, and the United States. You will be able to identify how some or all of them are embedded in your work and the work of Southern organizations. You will also learn how to better apply them in your own work.
The trainer will be Madza Ednir from São Paulo, Brazil. Madza has a long history of educating teachers, principals and community leaders and supporting processes of change in Brazil. Her main interest is to connect educators all over the world, to promote education for global learning and for sustainable global society. Madza has a lot of experience in Freire’s approach, having studied and worked with Professor Paulo Freire. She has planned this workshop in dialogue with Fingo’s educators and with her colleague Claudia Ceccon, a Facilitator of Educational and Social Changes, a Freire’s ideas implementer.
(*) Michael Quinn Patton , the founder and director of Utilization -Focused Evaluation and author of several books on Evaluation, has been studying and applying Paulo Freire’s principles in his practice since the years 1970, when he first read the “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”.
This training is organized in cooperation between Finnish Development NGOs - Fingo<https://www.fingo.fi/english> and Bridge 47 – Building Global Citizenship<https://www.bridge47.org/>. Bridge 47 is a project led by Fingo, co-created by 15 European and global civil society organizations. Bridge 47 mobilizes civil society all around the world to contribute to global justice and the eradication of poverty through Global Citizenship Education. Bridge 47 is co-funded by the European Union.
Training fee: 60€ Fingo’s member organizations, 120€ other organizations and 240€ other participants. The training is held in English.
For more info: koulutus(a)fingo.fi
Maarit Pihkala
asiantuntija, järjestöjen oppiminen |Fingo
+358 50 317 6689 | maarit.pihkala(a)fingo.fi<mailto:maarit.pihkala@fingo.fi>
Fingo – Vaikuttaa tulevaisuuteen tänään.
viestii | kouluttaa | kasvattaa | tukee | vaikuttaa
fingo.fi<http://www.fingo.fi/> | Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/FingoFi/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/FingoFi> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/fingo-fi/about/>
Teemme töitä, jotta maailma olisi reilumpi. Ihan kaikkialla. Olemme 300 kehitysjärjestön yhteistyöjärjestö.