Ehkä osa teistä onkin tämän jo huomannut Fingon globaali-listalta, mutta laitan nyt suoraan Valikon listallekin kun teema sivuaa niin sopivasti meidän edellisen tapaamisen aihetta eli vapaaehtoisten hyvinvointia. Huomaathan että tilaisuus on ilmoitettu Bangkokin ajassa eli Suomen aikaa se on 9.00-10.30 (jos osasin oikein muuntaa 😊) t. Jaana Viirimäki
We in United Edge want to invite FINGO members, partners, and staff to our next informal Spotlight event called Investing in You: Self-Care for Social Change that will take place from 14:00-15:30 Bangkok time on Thursday, 02 December via Zoom. Like all these events, it's free and open to all -- but participants need to sign up as soon as possible herehttps://united-edge.typeform.com/to/MoDqMJ to reserve a space and get the Zoom meeting link since we have a limited number of places.
In a world that is fraught with injustice and rights violations, we meet so many inspiring people who run on fumes and give everything to show solidarity with those experiencing oppressions of all kinds. So we decided to bring together some wonderful, caring, and inspiring practitioners in self-care, who are also humanitarians, to offer three immersive experiences -- EMDR (a unique therapy technique presented by Sadie Smithhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/sadie-r-smith/ from Breakout Healinghttps://breakouthealing.org/), mindfulness for humanitarians (presented by longtime Action Against Hunger [ACF] Advisor Hiten Solankihttps://www.linkedin.com/in/hitendra-solanki-9429b43/), and yoga (presented by M&E Manager from FAO Bishaka Tanchangyahttps://www.linkedin.com/in/bishaka-tanchangya-5a952380/).
Panelists will share their experiences of practicing and offering these self-care techniques to others, and we will have breakout sessions in which participants can choose 2 out of the 3 practices to try. The event is sensitively planned so participants can engage with others or focus on themselves -- whichever feels most comfortable.
It's so important for us to make our own well-being a priority if we hope to contribute to making the world a better place for our communities, families, countries, and future generations. We hope your members and staff will join us.
In solidarity,
Matthew Kletzing
Director United Edge
t +447745908105 m +841225171308 s mkletzing
[https://drive.google.com/a/unitededge.net/uc?id=0B8NEt1tWHkgUckRMUVVMNDdkYjg...] United Edge is the trading name for United Edge Services Ltd which is a social enterprise registered in England and Wales as a limited company with company number 10726517. Our registered address is 71-75 Shelton Street, London, UK, WC2H 9JQ