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Jos olet kiinnostunut kansalaisyhteiskunnasta, kansalaisuudesta tai oppimisesta, tai erityisesti Tansaniasta tai Ugandasta, tervetuloa keskustelemaan GROW-tutkimushankkeen tuloksista. Miten ja millaista kansalaisuutta opitaan arkipäivän kansalaistoiminnassa?  Miten tätä voitaisiin tukea? Entä miten tapoja voi käsitteellistää? Hankkeen tansanialaiset ja ugandalaiset tutkijat kertovat mielellään myös yleisemmin maiden kansalaisyhteiskunnasta.

Tervetuloa! Muistathan ilmoittautua. Register here!

If you are interested in civil society, citizenship and learning, or especially in Tanzania or Uganda, you are warmly welcome to discuss the results of GROW-research project. What kind of citizenship is learned in everyday organizing and how? How this learning could be supported? How habits of citizenship could be conceptualized? The project researchers from Uganda and Tanzania will be happy to share the recent developments of civil society in their countries also in more general!

Welcome! Please remember to register. Register here!

Research project Growth into Citizenship in Civil Society Encounters (GROW), funded by the Academy of Finland (2015-2019) conducts a final seminar and welcomes researchers, students, policy-makers, civil society actors and other interested public to join. 

Date: Friday the 7th June 2019
Venue: Congress Centre Paasitorni, Paasivuorenkatu 5 A, Helsinki
Time: 9-16

Due to the space limitations, the number of participants is restricted to 40; please by the 21th May 2019.

Register here!
Learning citizenship?  Philosophical pragmatism meets lived experiences in Tanzania and Uganda
Conference centre Paasitorni, Paasivuorenkatu 5 A
Friday 7th June 2019, 9-16
9:00     Opening: Principal Investigator, Professor Katariina Holma, University of Oulu
9:15     Invited speech: Education and individual political agency in Uganda.
Dr. Simone Datzberger, Assistant Professor in Education and International Development, UCL Institute of Education, London
10:00   Presentation: Learning citizenship in civil society: Lessons from GROW
             Professor Katariina Holma and Academy Research Fellow Tiina Kontinen, University of Jyväskylä
11:00 Comments on relevance
-Senior Officer Anu Ala-Rantala, Unit for Civil Society, Department for Development Policy, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
-Programme Manager Mikko Ylikangas, DEVELOP, Academy of Finland
12:00           Lunch
13:00 Comments on academic contributions
             -University Lecturer Eija Ranta, Development Studies, University of Helsinki 
             -Professor emeritus, Reijo Miettinen, Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

General discussion

Poster exhibition in the Aula. Authors present their chapters in a forthcoming book:
Practices of Citizenship in East Africa: Perspectives from Philosophical Pragmatism.

                -Rydenfelt: Pragmatism, social inquiry and the method of democracy
-Kauppi & Holma: John Dewey’s notion of social intelligence
-Nguyahambi & Chang’a: Social accountability monitoring as an approach for promoting active citizenship in Tanzania
                -Kilonzo & al.: Habits of contributing citizenship: Self-help groups in rural Tanzania
-Nguyahambi & Kontinen: “A good believer is a good citizen”: Connecting Islamic morals with civic virtues in rural Tanzania
-Ahimbisibwe at al.: Participatory methodology in exploring citizenship: A critical learning process
-Bananuka & John: The crafting of ‘critical education’: experiences of a Ugandan NGO
-Ndidde et al.: Gendered citizenship in rural Uganda: Localized, Exclusive and Active
-Kontinen & Ndidde: Learning in a Ugandan gender advocacy NGO: Organizational growth and institutional wrestling
                 -Alava: The everyday and spectacle of subdued citizenship in northern Uganda

15:15             Coffee

Welcome! Registration in advance is required by the 15th May 2019.

Tiina Kontinen, PhD

Academy of Finland Research Fellow

Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy

P.O.Box 35



email: tiina.t.kontinen@jyu.fi

Please visit my webpage for further information.