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Salla Kuuluvainen
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*sorry for the cross-posting*
Research project Growth into Citizenship in Civil Society Encounters<https://www.jyu.fi/hytk/fi/laitokset/yfi/en/research/projects/political-ins…> (GROW), funded by the Academy of Finland (2015-2019) conducts a final seminar and welcomes researchers, students, policy-makers, civil society actors and other interested public to join.
Date: Friday the 7th June 2019
Venue: Congress Centre Paasitorni, Paasivuorenkatu 5 A, Helsinki
Time: 9-16
The number of participants is restricted to 40; please register<https://email.jyu.fi/owa/Register%20here%21> by the 15th May 2019.
Learning citizenship? Philosophical pragmatism meets lived experiences in Tanzania and Uganda
Conference centre Paasitorni, Paasivuorenkatu 5 A
Friday 7th June 2019, 9-16
9:00 Opening: Principal Investigator, Professor Katariina Holma, University of Oulu
9:15 Invited speech: Education and individual political agency in Uganda.
Dr. Simone Datzberger, Assistant Professor in Education and International Development, UCL Institute of Education, London
10:00 Presentation: Learning citizenship in civil society: Lessons from GROW
Professor Katariina Holma and Academy Research Fellow Tiina Kontinen, University of Jyväskylä
11:00 Comments on relevance
-Senior Officer Anu Ala-Rantala, Unit for Civil Society, Department for Development Policy, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
-Programme Manager Mikko Ylikangas, DEVELOP, Academy of Finland
12:00 (exact time tbc) Lunch
13:00 Comments on academic contributions
-University Lecturer Eija Ranta, Development Studies, University of Helsinki
-Professor emeritus, Reijo Miettinen, Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki
General discussion
Poster exhibition in the Aula. Authors present their chapters in a forthcoming book:
Practices of Citizenship in East Africa: Perspectives from Philosophical Pragmatism.
-Rydenfelt: Pragmatism, social inquiry and the method of democracy
-Kauppi & Holma: John Dewey’s notion of social intelligence
-Nguyahambi & Chang’a: Social accountability monitoring as an approach for promoting active citizenship in Tanzania
-Kilonzo & al.: Habits of contributing citizenship: Self-help groups in rural Tanzania
-Nguyahambi & Kontinen: “A good believer is a good citizen”: Connecting Islamic morals with civic virtues in rural Tanzania
-Ahimbisibwe at al.: Participatory methodology in exploring citizenship: A critical learning process
-Bananuka & John: The crafting of ‘critical education’: experiences of a Ugandan NGO
-Ndidde et al.: Gendered citizenship in rural Uganda: Localized, Exclusive and Active
-Kontinen & Ndidde: Learning in a Ugandan gender advocacy NGO: Organizational growth and institutional wrestling
-Alava: The everyday and spectacle of subdued citizenship in northern Uganda
15:15 Coffee
Welcome! Registration in advance is required by the 15th May 2019.
Register here!<https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/317A05A7C3B0BA04>
Tiina Kontinen, PhD
Academy of Finland Research Fellow
Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy
P.O.Box 35
email: tiina.t.kontinen(a)jyu.fi<mailto:tiina.t.kontinen@jyu.fi>
Please visit my webpage<https://www.jyu.fi/hytk/fi/laitokset/yfi/en/staff/kontinen-tiina> for further information.
The Center for Corporate Responsibility<https://www.hanken.fi/en/node/875502> at Hanken School of Economics, FIANT Consulting Oy<http://fiantconsulting.com/> and 3bility Consulting<https://www.3bility.fi/> invite you to the seminar:
The complexity and multitude of social and human rights issues linked to a portfolio have long hindered investor’s ability to engage meaningfully on the “S” in Environmental Social Governance (ESG). This leads to a situation where social and human rights factors have not yet received the attention and effort they deserve. Recently, this paradigm has begun to shift but despite the guidance and increasing consumer expectations, there is still a gap to fill in order for human rights due diligence to become a household name in the Finnish investment sector.
To contribute meaningfully to this demanding situation, the purpose of the seminar is to bring different stakeholders together to discuss among other: What are the benefits of an effective human rights due diligence and how can investors act as a driving force in requiring human rights due diligence in their portfolios? As introduction, the current developments of Responsible Investment at the international level will be presented, followed by the case study of Corporate Human Rights Benchmark<https://www.corporatebenchmark.org/> as a tool for responsible investment presented by its Programme Director: Daniel Neale. Then the focus will be given to the Finnish context through the presentation of a study conducted about the level of operationalization of human rights due diligence in listed companies in Finland and a panel discussion, which will bring around the same table investors, public authority, NGOs and researchers.
The program and list of speakers can be found here<https://www.hanken.fi/en/node/2141756>.
The seminar is free of charge but registration here<https://link.webropolsurveys.com/EventParticipation/EventPublic/9f6dda11-48…> is mandatory. For questions please contact the organisers at ccr(a)hanken.fi<mailto:ccr@hanken.fi>.
Warm welcome to all!
Best regards,
CCR is a joint Research and Development Institute between Hanken School of Economics and University of Helsinki
email: ccr(a)hanken.fi<mailto:ccr@hanken.fi>
follow us on Twitter: @ccr_helsinki
Hanken School of Economics
P.O. Box 479, 00101 HELSINKI, FINLAND
KOULUTUS: EU-hakemuskoulutus
Fingon koulutuksessa käsitellään EU:n kehitysyhteistyö- ja kansainvälisyyskasvatusohjelmien rahoitushakemusten keskeisiä asiakirjoja, hakemuksen rakennetta ja sisältöä sekä niitä seikkoja, joihin erityisesti tulisi kiinnittää huomiota konseptipaperia ja hakemusta laadittaessa. Koulutuksessa tehdään ryhmäharjoituksia hakemusten vahvuuksiin ja parannusehdotuksiin liittyen.
Koulutus keskittyy hakemusten varsinaiseen kirjoitettavaan osuuteen.
Kouluttajana toimii asiantuntija Jussi Kanner Fingosta.
Aika: 14.5. 09:00-16:00
Paikka: Fingon Amazon-koulutustila, 6 krs.
Elimäenkatu 25-27, Helsinki.
Tila on esteetön.
Ilmoittaudu mukaan tästä.<https://www.fingo.fi/tapahtumat/2019-05-eu-hakemuskoulutus>
Jos ilmoittautumislomakkeen lähettämisessä on ongelmia, voit ilmoittautua lähettämällä lomakkeessa kysytyt tiedot sähköpostitse osoitteeseen koulutus(a)fingo.fi
Koulutukseen otetaan max. 25 osallistujaa.
Fingon jäsenet 30 euroa
Muut järjestötoimijat: 60 euroa
Muut osallistujat: 120 euroa
Emmi Liulia
Koulutussihteeri | Fingo
+358 50 317 6693 |emmi.liulia(a)fingo.fi<mailto:%7Ckalle.korhonen@fingo.fi>
Fingo – vaikuttaa tulevaisuuteen tänään.
viestii | kouluttaa | kasvattaa | tukee | vaikuttaa
Kepa ja Kehys ovat nyt Fingo. Teemme töitä, jotta elämä olisi reilumpaa. Ihan kaikkialla. Olemme yli 300 kehitysjärjestön yhteistyöjärjestö.