Launch of World Bank white paper – Protecting All: Risk-Sharing in a Diverse and Diversifying World


Time: 14:30 – 16:00
Date: Monday, 4 November 2019
Venue: UNU-WIDER, Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, Helsinki

Register here

We are pleased to invite you to join us on 4 November where Truman Packard from the World Bank will launch the new white paper on Protecting All: Risk-Sharing in a Diverse and Diversifying World.

The rapidly changing nature of work at all income levels requires a dramatically new approach to social protection and labour policy, according to the white paper, which analyses how drivers of disruption are challenging the viability of the social contract in low-, middle-, and high-income countries. The paper proposes an approach to worker protection and social security that is better adapted to an increasingly diverse and fluid world of work.

In developing countries, up to 80% of workers earn their living in the informal economy. Hence traditional, employment-based social protection policies fail to provide effective protection from risk and uncertainty. Meanwhile, in richer countries, technological change is changing the nature of work, making long-term employment less common. Work is also growing more diverse with the rise of the ‘gig economy’ and the trend toward workers having a ‘portfolio’ of jobs.

Truman Packard is a Lead Economist at the World bank and main author of Protecting All: Risk-Sharing in a Diverse and Diversifying World.

For further information and registration please visit the event page or contact Ruby Richardson at

This event will also be live streamed.




Ruby Richardson

Communications Assistant

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United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research

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