UNU-WIDER invites you to the next event in their online webinar series on development and COVID-19 on 30 September at 16:00 (UCT+3)


Funda Ustek-Spilda on fair work in the gig economy after COVID-19


In this seminar, Funda Ustek-Spilda will introduce the Fairwork Foundation, an action-research project at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford. Fairwork conducts action research into the working conditions in the platform economy, in order to develop ‘fairness ratings’ for digital labour platforms like Uber and Deliveroo. These ratings are then used as a lever to improve pay and conditions for platform workers across the world.


Ustek-Spilda will also the discuss the findings of Foundation’s Covid-19 research, for which they have reviewed nearly 200 platforms in 40+ countries, majority of which are located in the Global South.


This will be followed by Arturo Arriagada’s talk on the platform economy in Chile, and the impact of Covid-19 on the workers in Latin America.


Join the webinar to find out more about the research results and strategies for improving platform work: Register here


For further details contact


Kind regards,




Ruby Richardson

Communications Assistant

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