tällä kertaa rahoituskirjeessä on hyvinkin erilaiseen toimintaan tarkoitettuja rahoitushakuja.
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Hyvää pääsiäistä,
Helena Nevalainen
Asiantuntija – järjestöjen kehitysyhteistyö | Fingo
+358 50 3176729 | helena.nevalainen@fingo.fi
The general objective of the Programme is to support, through lifelong learning, the educational, professional and personal development of people in education, training, youth and sport, in Europe and beyond,
thereby contributing to sustainable growth, quality jobs and social cohesion, to driving innovation, and to strengthening European identity and active citizenship.
This call for proposals covers the following actions of the Erasmus+ Programme:
Key Action 1 (KA1): Learning mobility of individuals: Mobility of individuals in the fields of education, training and youth, Youth participation Activities
Key Action 2 (KA2) - Cooperation among organizations and institutions
Key Action 3 (KA3) - Support to policy development and cooperation: European youth together. Jean Monnet actions: Jean Monnet in the field of higher education, Jean Monnet in other fields of education and training.
Funding Information: The total budget earmarked for this call for proposals is estimated at EUR
2 453, 5 million: Education and Training: EUR 2 153,1 million, Youth: EUR 244,7 million, Sport: EUR 41,7 million, Jean Monnet: EUR 14 million.
Eligibility criteria:
Any public or private body active in the fields of education, training, youth and sport may apply for funding within the Erasmus+ Programme. The following countries can fully take part in all Erasmus+ Programme
actions (1):
the 27 Member States of the European Union and overseas countries and territories,
third countries associated to the Programme:
the EFTA/EEA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway ( 2 ),
EU candidate countries: the Republic of Turkey, the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Serbia (3).
to Civil Society to improve governance and accountability in Lebanon
The global objective of this call for proposals is to improve governance and promote reform in Lebanon. The specific objective of this call for proposals is to enhance the role of civil society actors as active
pillars in enhancing governance, accountability and transparency in Lebanon.
Priorities are:
Strengthening the internal governance, organizational and institutional capacity of CSOs, mainly networks/coalitions/platforms, to contribute effectively and efficiently to the implementation of the 3RFand to be better
equipped as an independent actor in the reform proces-Engaging CSOs in monitoring reform agenda, preventing and fighting corruption.
Promoting a more strategic, inclusive, structured and sustainable collaboration and dialogue among CSOs and between CSOs, EU Delegation and the Government on sectors related to reform, recovery, and reconstruction as
well as the SSF and CEDRE priorities
Funding Information:
The overall indicative amount made available is EUR2 800 000.
Eligibility Criteria:
Lead applicant must:
be a legal person and be non-profit-making and
be a specific type of organization such as: Member State Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, citizens groups, community-based organizations, platform/coalition representing public interest, advocacy organizations,
women's and youth organizations, research organizations, academic institutes, think tanks, education institutions, independent foundations and
be established in a Member State of the European Union or in Lebanon (for at least 3 years prior to the publication of this call) or in an ENI (European Neighborhood Instrument) Partner Country and
be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary
The Fund for Innovation in Development (FID)
Through flexible grant funding, FID enables innovators and researchers to test new ideas, build rigorous evidence of what works, and scale the highest-impact
and most cost- effective solutions.
To encourage and facilitate innovation, from wherever it might come
To accelerate global innovation in the fight against poverty and inequality
To rigorously evaluate new ideas through collaboration with the research community
To support the scale and widespread deployment of the best solutions
makes funding decisions based on three core principles
Rigorous proof of impact on improving the living conditions of people living in poverty. Evidence of clear, measurable outcomes demonstrates what works in the fight against poverty and inequality.
Cost-effectiveness in the achievement of specific development objectives, compared to existing approaches.
Potential for scale, widespread adoption, and sustainability.
Type of Grants:
accepts applications for five types of grants
Prepare Grants (up to €50,000): Prepare Grants are small project preparation grants that can be used to support the development of proposals for Stages 1, 2, or 3 grants for promising applicants who otherwise may have
had less access to or ability to secure funding from a competitive fund such as FID.
Stage 1: Pilot Grants (up to €200,000): to support the piloting of innovations that are early in development and need real-world testing to refine the basic model
Stage 2: Test and Position for Scale Grants (up to €1,500,000): to support the further testing and continued growth of innovations
Stage 3: Transition to Scale Grants (up to €4,000,000): to support the transition of rigorously tested and validated solutions to widespread scaling, such as bringing a tested innovation to national scale or to new contexts,
with the goal of eventually achieving widespread adoption in one or more countries.
Transforming Public Policy (TPP) Grants (up to €150,000): to support two types of projects:
those focused on the institutionalization of specific evidence-based innovations with demonstrated cost-effectiveness and scalability into public policies at large scale
those focused on strengthening the capacity of low- and middle-income governments to design, test, pilot, and scale evidence-based
Eligibility Criteria
accepts applications from nearly any type of applicant, independently or in partnership with others, including: research institutes and institutions of higher education; governments or public agencies; non-governmental
organizations; and private, for-profit companies.
specifically encourages applications from organizations based in, led by, and significantly staffed by people from low and middle-income countries; people who identify as women; and other marginalized populations.
The Digital Freedom Fund Program
to support strategic litigation on digital rights in Europe that contributes to advancing human rights in the digital context.
Focus Areas:
particularly interested in receiving applications for strategic cases that:
Advance individuals' ability to exercise their right to privacy: Examples are cases that:
Protect and safeguard individuals against unjustified government surveillance
Clarify the scope of protection of personal data under the GDPR
Enforce consumers' rights in relation to the unauthorized collection and sharing of personal data
Protect and promote the free flow of information online:
Examples are cases that:
Challenge the unjustified blocking, filtering and removal of online content, platforms or services
Ensure that online content is protected against the illegitimate use of copyright claims
Ensure that net neutrality and the principle of equal access to the internet is promoted and respected in practice
Ensure accountability, transparency and the adherence to human rights standards in the use and design of technology: Examples are cases that:
Ensure the respect for human rights in the application of technology by law enforcement, such as in the context of predictive policing
Maximize transparency in algorithmic decision making and profiling by government and private actors
Set standards to protect individuals against the discriminatory use of technology
Types of Grants:
applications for two types of activities
Litigation track support: Support for litigation of a case through multiple instances, from first instance through to the final appeal. Example: a challenge before
the European Court of Human Rights against police use of facial recognition technology
Pre-litigation research: Support for activities to prepare for litigation. This could include legal research, evidence gathering, forum selection or identifying
claimants and project partners. Example: a comparative study between three EU jurisdictions to determine which one offers the best options to address a specific issue under an EU Directive.
Funding Information: rarely provides grants of more than EUR 100,000.
Eligibility Criteria:
will consider applications from any organization or individual seeking to protect and advance digital rights in Europe.
GlobalGiving Accelerator Program
The GlobalGiving Accelerator is a virtual training program and crowdfunding campaign that will help to take fundraising to the next level. Following an
optional one-week training curriculum, applicants’ will be entered into an Accelerator campaign where they’ll raise at least $5,000 total from a minimum of 40 different donors in order to graduate and secure a permanent fundraising spot on the GlobalGiving
Training Topics:
Crowdfunding 101; Mapping your potential donor network; Storytelling and email appeals; and Creating SMART goals.
Program Benefits:
Organizations that successfully complete the GlobalGiving Accelerator by raising at least $5,000 total from a minimum 40 different donors will earn:
Permanent membership in the GlobalGiving community, including ongoing opportunities to attract new corporate and individual donors
Inclusion in a GlobalGiving press release announcing the Accelerator graduates
GlobalGiving Media Kit icon icon
A custom media kit to help promote your accomplishment
A certificate of completion from GlobalGiving
Additional promotional opportunities, including through GlobalGiving’s social media or homepage, for top-performers
Win Extra Funding from GlobalGiving!
Bonus Day: During the 24-hour Bonus Day, all Accelerator participants will compete for a share of GlobalGiving's $20,000 Incentive Fund and two $1,000 bonus prizes. The more applicant raise on Bonus Day, the more they
win of the Incentive Fund!
Overall Prizes: At the end of the Accelerator, prizes will be awarded to the top three organizations in the following categories: Most Funds Raised, Most Unique Donors, and Most Recurring/Monthly Donors.
Recurring/Monthly Donor Incentives: More information will be shared about all the ways you can win extra funding from GlobalGiving during the Accelerator once application is approved!
Eligibility Criteria
Any registered nonprofit (anywhere in the world!) is eligible to apply.
The program will support applicant as they reach out to their own networks and tell story in new and compelling ways.
Donors can give in USD, GBP, EUR, CAD, and AUD, helping applicant reach their supporters in the US, the UK, and beyond.
The program will also provide matching incentives for applicant donors, and bonus prizes for the most successful participants.
of Finland, Addis Ababa: Fund for Local Cooperation (FLC) 2021-2022
The FLC projects should be implemented with a human rights-based approach. The rights of women and girls, children, people with disabilities, and other
vulnerable groups of the community should be taken into account in all activities. Moreover, to the extent possible activities should be geared towards climate change adaptation and mitigation.
The FLC is expected to contribute towards the four goals of Finland’s development policy:
The rights and status of women and girls have strengthened.
Developing countries’ own economies have generated jobs, livelihood opportunities and well-being.
Societies have become more democratic and better-functioning.
Food security and access to water and energy have improved, and natural resources are used sustainably.
Thematic Areas:
The following thematic areas have been selected for the 2021-2022 call for proposals
Empowerment of women, girls and persons with disabilities (PWDs)
Human Rights, Democracy & Gender Equality
Conflict Resolution, Peace & Security
Funding & Duration
Approximately 10 projects will be financed in 2021-2022 with a total budget available for all the new projects of approximately €250,000 (Euros Two Hundred Fifty Thousand only).
Projects are funded for the duration of one to two years.
Eligibility Criteria:
Local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) which have been registered with the Agency for Civil Society Organizations (ACSO) are eligible to apply.
Alfred Kordelinin säätiö
Koneen Säätiö
Aurora- tieteen ja taiteen rahoitustietokanta
Kansalaisyhteiskunta: rahoitushakemisto