tällä kertaa rahoituskirjeessä on hyvinkin erilaiseen toimintaan tarkoitettuja rahoitushakuja. Olen myös listannut rahoitushakuja, joista voitte kertoa yhteistyökumppaneillenne.
Olen myös yrittänyt löytää rahoitusta Covid-2019 tilanteeseen liittyen. Joitakin rahoitushakuja löysin ja jos löydän vielä lisää, niin laitan uuden rahoitusviestin
Jos etsit järjestöllenne uusia rahoituslähteitä, niin voit varata minulta ajan rahoitusneuvontaan. Meillä on pääsy pariin rahoitustahojen hakukoneeseen ja
voimme yhdessä tutkaille juuri järjestöllenne sopivia rahoitusmahdollisuuksia. Tällä hetkellä tämä neuvonta tietenkin tapahtuu etäyhteyden (zoom tai teams) avulla.
Voikaa hyvin ja pysykää terveinä,
Helena Nevalainen
Asiantuntija – järjestöjen kehitysyhteistyö | Fingo
+358 50 3176729 | helena.nevalainen@fingo.fi
Ajankohtaista covid-2019 rahoitus
Global Fund: COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM)
Global Fund is launching a new COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) to support countries in responding rapidly to the COVID-19 pandemic and mitigating its negative impact on HIV, TB, and malaria programs and on health and community systems.
C19RM will:
Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund
Deadline: 28 April, 2020.
Call for proposals under the newly established WPHF COVID-19 Emergency Response Window. The WPHF COVID-19 Emergency Response Window aims to support local civil society organizations’ needs in the context of the global pandemic through
two funding streams:
Civil society organizations in the following countries/regions are eligible to apply:
Journalism Emergency Relief Fund
application window will close on 29.4.2020
Google has launched a global Journalism Emergency Relief Fund through the Google News Initiative to support small and medium-sized news organizations producing original news for local communities.
The Fund’s aim is to support the production of original journalism for local communities in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Operating globally, it will provide an easily-accessible route to financial assistance at this critical time.
Frontiers: Corona virus funding monitor
A curated list of open funding calls and other support for researchers, non-profit organizations and commercial organizations, specifically for COVID-19 and coronavirus-related research. Updated daily.
Closing date: 13 May
Type of project: Initiatives which support civil society actors working to combat corruption, state capture, and poor governance of public institutions. They should
be implemented in partnership with public institutions at the local, municipal, regional, or national levels, potentially (but not necessarily) also working together with business/private sector stakeholders.
Location: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia
Eligibility: Registered civil society and/or non-profit organizations (or consortia of organizations) with a background in anticorruption and/or good governance fields
as well as working at local and/or national levels in the above-mentioned countries may apply.
Grant size: up to a maximum of $60,000 per proposal. Maximum 2 proposals per applicant.
Closing date: 18 June
Type of project: Tech-based solutions to solve any of the following global challenges: Sustainable Food Systems, Learning for Girls & Women, Maternal & New-born Health,
Good Jobs & Inclusive Entrepreneurship.
Location: Worldwide
Eligibility: You can be an individual, a team, or an organization. You can be an applicant from previous years or already part of our community.
Grant size: over $1 million in prize funding is available as well as mentorship and strategic advice
Call for the Global Media Defence Fund
Määräaika: 10.5.2020
Ensimmäisellä kierroksella hankkeille jaetaan yht. 500 000 USD, non-profit toimijoille, mediayhteisöille, ihmisoikeustoimijoille, akateemisille tahoille ja tutkivien toimittajien verkostoille.
Hankehaut voivat olla 15 000 – 60 000 USD.
Haku on avoin toimijoille maasta riippumatta.
Proposals for innovative projects that will enhance journalists’ legal protection and their access to legal assistance, as well support investigative journalism contributing to tackling impunity,
at the local, regional and/or international level by advancing at least one of the Global Media Defense Fund’s Outputs.
Ohjeet hakemiseen: https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/106231
The FP2020’s Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM)
provides grants that respond to emerging, unanticipated and/or time-bound opportunities that will help FP2020 meet its goal of enabling 120 million more women and girls using contraceptives by 2020.
RRM funding is disbursed rapidly by the FP2020 Secretariat and must be spent within a maximum of 12 months by the Grantee. The majority of RRM-funded projects last 3 to 6 months.
Awards will not exceed US$ 250,000. However, the vast majority of RRM-funded projects receive less than US$100,000.
Registered NGOs, CSOs and INGOs, governments, private and UN organizations are eligible. Organizations in 69 poor countries around the world are eligible to apply.
Call for applications open for the International Fund for Cultural Diversity
Deadline: 27.5.2020
The IFCD finances initiatives that stimulate the Cultural and Creative Industries in developing countries.
UNESCO invites public authorities/institutions and NGOs from
eligible countries as well as international NGOs to submit projects that lead to sustainable development and structural change through:
Embassy of Finland´s Fund for Local Cooperation:
Call for Project Proposals 2020
Closing date:
Type of project: The Fund aims to reduce poverty and inequality via a human rights-based approach to development and will support selected
project - based proposals. LC will offer support to civil society organizations under the following priority areas; Realization of Women’s and Girls’ Rights; Promotion of Youth Employment; Human Rights Promotion, Citizen Participation and Oversight for Accountable
Location: Kenya
Eligibility: The applicant needs to be a non-governmental organization, civil society organization or foundation, or non-profit private entities registered in Kenya
Grant size: €30 000 – 200 000. The maximum funding available for this Call is €550,000.
National Endowment of Democracy (NED)
Closing date: 19.6.2020
Type of project:
Promote civic education, strengthen civil society organizations, promote independent media, Promote and defend human rights and the rule of law, strengthen democratic ideas and values, strengthen democratic political processes and institutions,
strengthen a broad-based market economy.
Location: Worldwide
Eligibility: UK and Southern CSOs which may include civic organisations, associations, independent media, and other similar organisations can apply.
Grant size: average $50,000 over 12 months
GSMA Innovation Fund for Mobile
Internet Adoption and Digital Inclusion.
Deadline: 23.5.2020
The GSMA Innovation Fund (“the Fund”) supports innovative start-ups or small to medium sized private sector companies (SMEs) in emerging markets to achieve sustainable growth and improved socio-economic impact. The Fund aims to support innovation
that increases mobile internet adoption and usage
for the underserved and those who are currently not using mobile internet services.
To apply for an equity-free grant of between £100,000 and £250,000 to scale your innovation over a 15- to 18-month period.
Closing date: 30.6.2020
Type of project: Strengthening independent, public interest journalism in Europe. The fund will provide multi-year commitments for general
operating support and the institutional strengthening of its grantee partners to build more durable, more resilient, more networked, and more impactful public interest journalism organisations in Europe.
Eligibility: Civitates accepts applications from organisations registered as not-for-profit organisations or have a constitution that stipulates that all profits are retained for journalism
and not shared as dividends. Applicants can be registered in any of the above-mentioned countries.
Grant size: Organisations with an annual budget up to €100k can apply for funds up to 50% of their annual budget; Organisations with an annual budget up to €200k can apply for funds up to
40% of their annual budget; Organisations with an annual budget above €200k can apply for funds up to 30% of their annual budget (with a maximum of 200K EUR per year over 3 years).
Nordic Culture Point: Norden 0–30 grant programme
Application rounds:
03.04.2020 – 04.05.2020 15:59 Finnish time
03.09.2020 – 02.10.2020 15:59 Finnish time
Programme supports children and young people’s own projects and seeks to strengthen their organisational skills, influence, and participation in political, cultural, and social activities. The target group of the programme is children
and young people up to the age of 30.
You can apply for grants from ranging between EUR 7,500 and EUR 25,000.
In addition to the sum applied for, at least 15% of the funding must come from another source and may consist of in-kind financing.
Grants are awarded to organisations, groups, municipalities, institutions, associations and networks.
The project must take the form of co-operation between at least three Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and/or the Åland Islands.
Deadline: 1.6.2020
This calls for proposals aims to support specific activities of disability stakeholders active in the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and to support the Commission’s ongoing and future disability
initiatives including the implementation of the European Disability Strategy and the European Pillar of Social Rights, in particular Principles 1, 12, 17, 19 and 20.
European Commission is seeking applications for Civil Society Projects with an aims to support projects promoted by transnational partnerships and networks directly involving citizens.
The project should consist in stimulating and organising reflection, debates or other activities related to the multiannual priority themes of the Programme and propose practical solutions that can be found through cooperation or coordination
at European level, and ensure a concrete link with the policy making process indicated above. A Civil Society Project must include at least two of the following types of activities:
Project Duration: The maximum project duration is 18 months.
Eligibility Criteria: Applicants must be established in the following eligible countries
Type of organization: non-profit organizations, including civil society organizations, educational, cultural or research institutions, other organizations involved in the project can also
be public local/regional authorities.