
tällä kertaa rahoituskirjeessä on hyvinkin erilaiseen toimintaan tarkoitettuja rahoitushakuja.


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Ystävällisin terveisin,


Helena Nevalainen

Asiantuntija – järjestöjen kehitysyhteistyö | Fingo

+358 50 3176729 | helena.nevalainen@fingo.fi





EU-rahoitusneuvontapalvelu kokoaa yhteen tietoa Euroopan unionin avustuksista, lainoista, takauksista, pääomasijoituksista, tuista ja julkisista hankinnoista, sekä ohjaa ja neuvoo niiden käytössä. Palvelun tavoitteena on tarjota keskitettyä tietoa EU-rahoituksesta sekä edesauttaa sen kansallista hyödyntämistä.

Neuvontapalvelu on tarkoitettu EU-rahoituksesta kiinnostuneille tahoille. Rahoitusta voivat hyödyntää yritykset, tutkimuslaitokset, kunnat, rahoituslaitokset ja muut tahot. Palvelu tarjoaa ajankohtaista tietoa ja hankekohtaista ohjausta, sekä järjestää EU-rahoitukseen liittyviä tapahtumia.


-Valtionavustukset Suomen ulko- ja turvallisuuspoliittisiin linjauksiin ja kansainvälisiin sitoumuksiin liittyvään kansalaisjärjestötoimintaan v.2022

Avustuksen tarkoituksena on tukea kansalaisjärjestöjen toimintaa, joka liittyy Suomen ulko- ja turvallisuuspoliittisiin linjauksiin ja kansainvälisiin sitoumuksiin. Järjestöjen toiminnan tulee liittyä ulkoministeriön toimialaan.

Painopisteitä ovat sääntöpohjainen kansainvälinen yhteistyö; konfliktinehkäisy, kriisinhallinta ja rauhanvälitys; ihmisoikeudet ja inhimillinen turvallisuus; Euroopan unioni globaalina toimijana; laaja-alainen transatlanttinen yhteistyö sekä ilmastonmuutokseen liittyvät turvallisuusuhat. Hakemus tulee lähettää viimeistään 19. marraskuuta 2021 klo 16.15.


-Voice Kenya Sudden Opportunity Grant

Location: Kenya

Grant size: €100,000

Closing date: 31 December 

Type of project: Public civic education programmes prioritising collaborations among organisations led by or representing marginalised communities and those bringing expertise on effective political participation and increasing civic education. Priority is given to applications led by organisations that work on, for, and/or with the following rightsholder groups: Vulnerable elderly and young people; Indigenous groups and ethnic minorities; LGBTI people; People with disabilities; Women facing exploitation, abuse, and/or violence.


-United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF)

Deadline: 06-Dec-2021

Grant Size: $100,000 to $500,000

to support projects that strengthen the voice of civil society, promote human rights, and encourage the participation of all groups in democratic processes.

For this Round, UNDEF invites project proposals covering one or more of any of its eight thematic areas: Women’s empowerment, Community activism, Rule of law and human rights, Youth engagement, Strengthening civil society interaction with Government, Media and freedom of information, Tools for knowledge, Electoral processes

Priority Countries and Regional Balance: Strong preference will be given to applicants from countries and regions where the challenges of democracy are more critical, such as countries emerging from conflict, new and restored democracies, the Least Developed Countries, Low Income Countries and Middle Income Countries.


-Global Open Call for Technology Solutions to make the Internet Safe for Children

Deadline: 15-Nov-2021

Donor Name: End Violence Against Children

Grant Size: $500,000 to $1 million

With this new Open Call, they are seeking to expand on this work by continuing to create, adapt and scale technologies to deter online child sexual abuse. These technological tools could incorporate artificial intelligence, machine learning, augmented reality, virtual reality, Internet of Things, blockchain, and more.


Specifically, they are looking for projects that will achieve one or more of the following objectives:


-Embassy of Japan in Uganda

Location: Uganda

Grant size: $100,000

Closing date: 31 January 2022

Type of project: Community development projects which directly benefit people at the grassroots level. Any projects geared towards grassroots assistance are eligible for financing. However, preference is given to projects in the following areas: Primary/secondary education; Vocational training; Primary health care, reproductive health and HIV/AIDS; Water and sanitation; Reconstruction for disaster areas; Agricultural development.


-European Commission: Invitation Open for Smart Solutions for the Use of Digital Technologies

Deadline: 15-Feb-2022

Grant Size: $500,000 to $1 million



-European Commission: Action Grants for Developing a Pilot Project

Deadline: 25-Jan-2022

Grant Size: More than $1 million

European Commission is calling for proposals for Action grants for developing a pilot project for an EU infrastructure ecosystem for the secondary use of health data for research, innovation, policy-making, and regulatory purposes.


The EU cross-border provisions and means to access to health data is fragmented which makes particularly difficult the reuse health data collected during healthcare. There is a need to incentivise and fund a pilot project on EU-wide reuse of health data, taking advantage of national authorities’ legal basis and capabilities to facilitate access to health data sources through common rules, means and procedures.


Funding Information



-African Women's Development Fund 

Type of project: young women, women facing multiple discrimination, and approaches that include engaging the arts, culture, sports and technology. The fund focuses on the following themes: Body & Health Rights; Economic Security & Justice; Leadership, Participation & Peace. The fund also awards capacity building grants that focus on advancing organisational growth and development – for example strategic planning, developing fundraising and communications strategies, strengthening organisational governance systems and human resources management
Location: Africa 
Eligibility: applicants must be African women’s organisations which are led by a woman and which have a majority female staff and board. They must also be registered in an African country and have been in existence for at least 3 years. The fund will only consider grants that are less than 50% of an organisation’s annual income


-Civicus Crisis Response Fund

Location: Worldwide
Eligibility:  National CSOs                                                                                                                                       

Grant size: 10,000 USD for projects lasting up to 6 months

Type of projects: CSOs facing new restrictions on their work can apply for funding for emergency advocacy actions to defend civic freedoms and democratic values. The Fund provides grants to mobilise quick, principled and effective advocacy responses to events that threaten fundamental rights to associate and assemble freely. The fund also supports civil society through resiliency grants, designed to ensure that organisations have greater flexibility and creativity to proactively prevent and mitigate threats against their organizations. Funds are provided where immediate action is required, either to forestall imminent threats or to address new restrictions.

- Digital Defenders Partnership - Incident Emergency Fund (IEF)

Location: Worldwide

Eligibility: Human rights defenders, journalists, activists, or organisations may apply.

Grant size: up to €10,000

Type of project: The IEF responds rapidly to urgent cases of digital threats or attacks against human rights defenders, journalists, activists or organisations. The funding provided can be used to cover costs which will directly reduce the risk or impact of a digital attack.


- European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM)

Location: Projects should be implemented in the European Union. Projects implemented in non-EU countries (e.g. Turkey, the UK) could also be considered eligible if of EU relevance. 
Grant size: up to €40,000 over 18 months

Type of project: EPIM is seeking to support transnational partnerships of civil society organisations active at EU, national, bilateral, regional and/or local levels to advise European asylum policies and practices. Projects should aim to: promote feasible, evidence-based alternatives; and/or put forward thought-provoking ideas, and/or react to policy proposals and practices to safeguard the right to asylum and prevent backtracking. Projects must be advocacy-focused, i.e. are seeking to bring about a change in existing and/or future policies and practices. Supported activities could include, among others: power mapping and analysis, joint transnational civil society strategizing, policy roundtables, bilateral advocacy meetings, legislative lobbying, strategic litigation, and development of advocacy Tools. 


-Green Climate Fund

Project:  The Green Climate Fund is a global fund created to support the efforts of developing countries to respond to the challenge of climate change. GCF helps developing countries limit or reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change.  
Location: Developing countries
Eligibility: To implement projects funded by GCF, applicants must become Accredited Entities. These entities can be private, public, non-governmental, sub-national, national, regional or international bodies and are responsible for presenting funding applications to GCF, and then overseeing, supervising, managing and monitoring approved projects and programmes. Non-Accredited Entities can also engage with the fund via: partnering with an Accredited Entity on implementing its approved GCF project; co-financing projects with an already Accredited Entity; and as a readiness delivery partner, provided that the entity can demonstrate relevant expertise, experience and ability to implement projects.