




syksyn ensimmäisessä rahoituskirjeessä on tietoa erilaisista avoinna olevista rahoitushauista sekä pari tutustumisen arvoista tahoa.


Muistathan että otan mielelläni vastaan ehdotuksia mahdollisista rahoituslähteistä. Voit myös varata minulta ajan rahoitusneuvontaan. Meillä on pääsy pariin rahoitustahojen hakukoneeseen ja voimme yhdessä tutkaille juuri järjestöllenne sopivia rahoitusmahdollisuuksia. Jos olet kiinnostunut rahoitusneuvonnasta, niin lähetä sähköpostia -osoitteeseen.


Oikein hyvää alkanutta syksyä!


Helena Nevalainen

Asiantuntija – järjestöjen kehitysyhteistyö | Fingo


+358 50 3176729 |





Taiteen edistämiskeskuksen (Taike) avustukset yhteisöille

hakuaika: 1.-31.10.2019

Haettavana mm.: avustukset kulttuurilehdille, avustukset moninaisuuden edistämiseen ja rasismin vastaiseen toimintaan, avustukset vammaisyhteisöjen kulttuuritoimintaan ja kulttuurin saavutettavuuteen, erityisavustukset, festivaaliavustukset, kulttuurin hyvinvointivaikutuksien erityisavustukset, lastenkulttuurin erityisavustukset.

Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön avustukset järjestöille

Syksyn aikana hakuun on tulossa useita järjestötoimijoille sopivia avustuksia, kuten esim:

The Minor Foundation for Major Challenges

Closing date: 15 November

Type of project: Innovative communication projects which aim to influence public opinion and increase political support for cutting greenhouse gas emissions and man-made climate change.
Location: Worldwide
Eligibility: Registered CSOs

United Nations Democracy Fund

Closing date: Opens mid-November – December
Type of project: projects that strengthen the voice of civil society, promote human rights, and encourage the participation of all groups in democratic processes.

Projects fall under one of 8 categories: community activism; electoral processes; gender equality; media and freedom of information; rule of law and human rights; strengthening civil society interaction with government; tools for knowledge; youth engagement. 
Location: Proposals from all countries as well as regional and global initiatives will be considered. However, strong preference will be given to applicants from countries and regions that are in the transition and consolidation phases of democratization, especially those emerging from conflict, new and restored democracies, least developed countries and low or middle-income countries.
Eligibility: Civil Society Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations, engaged in promoting democracy are anticipated to receive the bulk of the funding. Formal networks of local NGOs can also apply.
Grant size: A minimum of US $100,000 to a maximum of US $300,000 up to 2 years. 

Voice Global Sudden Opportunity Grant

              Closing date: 31 December

Type of project: Projects that can facilitate the rapid coordination of collective action (campaigns, peaceful demonstrations, strategic litigation, etc.) at the national and regional level to:

1) take advantage of unexpected opportunities to advocate for the inclusion of marginalized and discriminated people that can lead to important positive changes in laws or in public attitudes and social norms;

2) address urgent emerging threats that could further jeopardize and limit the basic human rights of groups already marginalized and discriminated against.
Location: Projects can be implemented in any country in West Africa, East Africa and/or Asia considered least developed, low income, and/or in the lower middle-income range, AND in at least one Voice focus country including: West Africa (Nigeria, Niger, and Mali); East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania); Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, and Indonesia).
Eligibility: The applicant must be an organization (formal/informal) which is governed and managed by members of the rightsholder group(s) and registered in at least one of the countries in the region where their project will be implemented. For example: For a project in West Africa, the lead applicant must be registered in either Niger, Mali, Nigeria or another neighboring country in West Africa. INGOs may only apply as co-applicants and technical advisors, allowing their local partners to take the lead in the design, management, implementation and evaluation of the project.  
Grant size: €5,000 to € 200,000 over 6 – 12 months



Avustusten painopisteet ja hakuajat tiedossa vuodelle 2020. Haut muille kuin jatkohankkeille vasta keväällä 2020.

Rahoitusta tarjolla mm. yhteisöllisyyden ja osallistumismahdollisuuksien edistämiseen.

Koneen säätiö

Koneen Säätiön tavoitteena on luoda edellytyksiä rohkeille tieteen ja taiteen avauksille. Painotamme uutta luovia, uudenlaisia yhdistelmiä sisältäviä hankkeita. Monialaisuus ja alojen välisten rajojen ylittäminen ovat meille tärkeitä.

Myönnämme apurahoja tieteeseen, taiteeseen sekä tiedettä ja taidetta yhdistäviin hankkeisiin. Vuosittain haettavien apurahojen lisäksi järjestämme teemahakuja.

C&A Foundation

Type of projects: accelerating sustainable cotton, improving working conditions, eradicating forced labor, and enabling circular fashion
Location: Bangladesh, Brazil, China, India, Mexico, Pakistan, Turkey, Tanzania, Indonesia
Grant size: proposals for under €100,000 can be reviewed by a programme manager. Those that are over €500,000 are reviewed by the Board of Directors who meet twice a year in June and December

Draper Richards Kaplan

Type of project:  Innovative strategies, systems changing approaches, and disrupting technologies seeking to dramatically improve the lives of people and the world.

Our goal is to find social entrepreneurs with dynamic ideas and nurture them at the early stages with maximum leverage and total commitment.

We concentrate our selection on the capabilities of the founder, the scalability of the model, and the potential impact of the organization on the world. 
Location: Worldwide
Eligibility: Individual leaders, domestic (U.S.) and international organizations, non-profit, for-profit and hybrid social enterprises may apply. 
Grant size: 3 years of unrestricted capital totalling $300,000 

Global security challenges

Type of projects: combatting global security challenges, with particular focus on countries affected by conflict and fragility and to support relevant analyses and the development of situational awareness
Location: regions in North Africa, the Sahel, the Horn of Africa, the Middle East and South East Asia
Eligibility: NGOs (Norwegian, international and local, including non-commercial foundations), the UN system and other multinational organizations

Paung Sie Facility

Type of project: responsive financial and technical support to demand-driven, catalytic initiatives which promote social cohesion in Myanmar
Location: Myanmar
Eligibility: local, national and international organizations are eligible but applications from local initiatives and organizations are particularly encouraged
Budget: $5,000 - $200,000