sustainability goals

Organising for the Sustainable Development Goals

This Massive Open Online Course is a 7-week course where participants can learn about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how we can work towards achieving them. The course is offered on social learning platform Future Learn, with millions of users around the world. The course has been developed by the Centre for Corporate Responsibility at Hanken School of Economics in collaboration with  Audencia Business School in FranceInstituto Superior de Administração e Economia (ISAE/FGV) in Brazil, and La Trobe Business School in Australia.

The course is designed for anyone who’d like to learn more about the SDGs and how to achieve them.

This course will be of particular use to students interested in the key concepts and practices of sustainability, and private-sector workers, policymakers, and civil society workers who want to implement the SDGs at work.

Course goes live on Monday, 31st August, 2020! 


The course can also be taken a 2 ECTS open university course at Hanken. More information on the course and registration can be found here! Study points are given for completing the MOOC on future learn and taking an e-exam.