Inclusion in the time of COVID-19:
International webinar addressing racism, discrimination and exclusion
Fourth edition: Thursday 30 April 2020 from 16:00 to 17:00 CEST
The UNESCO webinar aims to exchange experiences and expertise on the measures to address the COVID-19 crisis at the global and local levels. The focus will be on the
social dimensions of “leaving no one behind” and on actions taken to fight against the growing incidents of racism and discrimination.
The webinar is targeting national/local policymakers and stakeholders, international and regional organizations, academics, students and NGOs. Speakers will include
global experts and city authorities from UNESCO’s International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities
– ICCAR. The presentations will consist of actions of solidarity and assistance to vulnerable populations conducted by the cities, and items for discussion on how ICCAR and other city networks and actors
could act as a crucial platform during this difficult time.
Language of the event: English
Email: SHS.inclusion-rights@unesco.org
Sanna Rekola
Asiantuntija, globaalikasvatus | Fingo
+358 50 317 6697 | sanna.rekola@fingo.fi
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