Frame, Voice, Report follow-up for organisations working with youth
Engaging young people can be a challenge, especially when it comes to engaging them in practical community actions that are necessary to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We as former Frame, Voice, Report partners from Finland, Italy, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands would like to support you in this challenge. Therefore, we are taking the initiative to organise an international programme that helps you engage youth in global issues and learn from other organisations Europe wide.
To fit the programme as much as possible to the challenges and needs you have; we would like to ask you to answer several questions in our short questionnaire. Your answers will help us tailor the programme to your needs and the needs and challenges of other similar organisations working with youth.
Klik to start the questionnaire.
Anna Kivimäki-Pelluz
Asiantuntija, globaalikasvatus | Suomalaiset kehitysjärjestöt Fingo ry
+358 50 317 6697 |
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