Welcome to an online workshop Emotions,
agency and activism - Building global citizenship in a world of challenges and possibilities
The workshop is organized on the 31st of March at
12:00 pm (UTC+2) till 4 pm in Zoom. In this workshop researchers, educators, activists and other experts, discuss the concepts of sustainable development, empathy and justice in the context of current research, activism
and global citizenship education.
The workshop examines sustainable development, global responsibility and active citizenship through the ‘glasses’ of global citizenship education and activism, while considering the importance of compassion, emotions and agency in
education for sustainable futures. The event is lightly based on consensus conference method, in which research and experience-based knowledge and building common understanding are in focus.
Programme and enrolments: Welcome
to Consensus-workshop – Sivistystyön Vapaus ja Vastuu
Enrolment ends the 18th of March. Please note that the workshop can accommodate up to 40 people in the order of registration.
Language in the workshop: English
Organizers: Fingo´s Global Bildung
Project and Finnish Adult Education Association
Anna Kivimäki-Pelluz
Asiantuntija, globaalikasvatus | Suomalaiset kehitysjärjestöt Fingo ry
+358 50 317 6697 |
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Kepa ja Kehys ovat nyt Suomalaiset kehitysjärjestöt Fingo ry. Teemme töitä, jotta maailma olisi reilumpi. Ihan kaikkialla. Olemme
300 kehitysjärjestön yhteistyöjärjestö.