Dear global issues educators!
Thanks to your participation in the ethical global issues pedagogy workshops in 2018, a teacher resource was created to adapt the HEADSUP tool for use in secondary and upper-secondary school classrooms!
Together with teachers on the project, the resource has been shared widely at workshops in Austria, Denmark, England, Finland, and Scotland, and more are planned!
The Toronto District School Board (the largest in Canada) is also working with the teacher resource. Louise Sund and I shared it with the UNESCO teams working on Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Education
this week. It’s being taken up by curriculum review teams in the International Baccalaureate which involves 1000s of schools around the world. There is a pilot project on its way in London to do a primary
school version.
From your individual classrooms to wide ranging educational organisations, the work we did together is presenting itself as extremely relevant to today’s ever-complex global context.
Please would you consider filling out this survey to let us know what you can about your use of or interest in the resource. Also, you can let us know what challenges you see or any further support you would like. That
way, we can track and assess the resource and make a case for further work together. It would be great to connect up teachers across the world interested in this work.
Here is the survey (should take up to 10 minutes):
Please pass it along to anyone else you may have shared the resource with or think would be interested in it. And, let me know if you have any questions and/or would like to chat further.
I know everyone is beyond busy these days, so I truly appreciate your time.
Dr. Karen Pashby
School of Childhood, Youth and Education Studies
Education and Global Futures Research Group, Education and Social Research Insititute
Manchester Metropolitan University
Brooks Building, Room 1.43, 53 Bonsall St, Manchester, UK, M15 6GX
+44 (0) 161 247 2019
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