Välitän kutsun opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön seminaariin Education for Inclusive Peace.




Education for Inclusive Peace: the role of education and research in promoting the Women, Peace and Security agenda in the Nordics 


Monday 29 November 2021, 12:00-16:00 CET+1

Join us for an afternoon of learning and discussion on ways to harness the education sector to promote inclusive peace and security in the Nordics and globally. This seminar, organised as part of the Finnish presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers, brings together an exciting programme of discussions by leading academics, educators, and policymakers. 


Author and social critic Minna Salami will deliver the keynote lecture titled Change Starts with Knowledge: Unlearning and Reimagining Our Worldviews for Women's Emancipation. 


In panel discussions and roundtables, we will explore topics such as: 

To find out more and to register to participate, visit our website. Registration is open until 23 November. 


Hope to see you there! 


Organisers: Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, University of Helsinki (Global Development Studies), Finnish 1325 Network 


Kind regards,


Marjaana Seppinen

projektisuunnittelija | Projektkoordinator | Project coordinator
kansainvälisten asiain sihteeristö | Internationella sekretariatet | Secretariat for International Relations

opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö | Undervisnings- och kulturministeriet | Ministry of Education and Culture
+358 295 330 127

+358 50 512 8262
