

Välitän tiedoksi The Irish Development Education Associationin, IDEA:n, hakuilmoituksen ulkopuolisen evaluaattorin tehtävään.



Dear all,


We are writing to let you know that we have extended the deadline for the call for the next IDEA External Evaluator. IDEA is The Irish Development Education Association working on Monitoring and Evaluation work in Development/Global Citizenship Education.


Please send your applications to us by midday on Thursday 9 December.


Please share this update with your contacts.


We are very keen to get the right fit for this role which is an important support to our programme and how we work. If you have any questions about the process or the role of external evaluator with IDEA please don’t hesitate to ask. If you are interested in the role, but have a problem meeting the deadline, please let us know urgently.


Many thanks again for your interest in working with us.


All the best,



Elaine Mahon

Capacity Development Programme Manager

(I am currently working remotely – part-time 3 days per week: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays)


Irish Development Education Association

6 Gardiner Row

Dublin 1


Tel: (00 353) 1 8788480

E-mail: elaine@ideaonline.ie


Facebook: Idea Ireland

Twitter: IDEAIreland


Company Particulars:  The Irish Development Education Association (IDEA) is a Company Limited by Guarantee not having a share capital.  It is registered in Dublin Ireland as Company Number: 435218.  Registered Charity Number: 20144517. CHY: 16504.