Välitän viestin kumppaniltamme RESACOOP:ilta Lyonista. Ranskankielentaitoisia nuoria etsitään vapaaehtoisprojektiin Lyoniin. Ks. lisätiedot alla. Lisätietoja voi kysyä Nicolas Pontiacilta, yhteystiedot alla.
Johanna Harjunpää
Dear Partners,
RESACOOP has received an urgent call for help from one of our members, a local NGO called
SCD (Service for cooperation
and Development), which is specialized in facilitating volunteering in Southern countries as well as welcoming youth from abroad in Lyon for 6 to 10 month-long civic service periods.
Since 2019 SCD has been leading a project called
« prODDige »
which aims to engage every year 24 youth, from both local background (12) and Southern countries (12), in promoting the SDGs in the area of Lyon. You may have met Tiphaine, who collaborated with RESACOOP last year on Frame Voice Report.
The Covid-19 crisis has prevented
SCD to welcome this year’s youth from outside the EU and is now actively and urgently looking for 5 to 6 European youth to make the intercultural exchange a reality locally.
How does prODDige project work?
24 youth, half French, and the other half from abroad, spend 6 month (starting January 2021 to June 30th) in Lyon with their working time divided into two parts:
What’s the urge?
Next civic service period starts January 1st, which implies contracts need to be signed December 31st at the latest.
How can I help?
Helping spread the news in your networks or direct acquaintances.
Who can apply?
Working and living conditions in Lyon
More info
You will find enclosed:
I’m interested, what’s the next step?
If you’re interested and think you can help SCD find young volunteers in your country within the very short timeframe,
let us know ASAP so that we can arrange online meetings with SCD to clear up all your doubts and questions.
Thanks in advance and all our apologies for this very short notice.
Best regards,
Nicolas PONTIAC Chargé de mission |
04 72 77 87 67 -
59 boulevard Léon Jouhaux
-63050 Clermont-Ferrand 04 73 31 84 13 –
auvergne@resacoop.org |
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