Invitation to Bridge 47 Global event Imagine 4.7 on 25-27 May


Dear all,


Bridge 47’s next big global event Imagine 4.7, is happening on 25-27 May, online. It is the last global event in the framework of the project, and will consist of 8 workshops, 3 keynote speeches, mindfulness and grounding sessions, as well as facilitated networking. 


We hope there will be a little bit of something for everyone interested in transformative education! From singing for sustainability and the state of research on GCE, to advocacy for SDG Target 4.7. We will also explore citizen engagement methodologies, mindfulness practices, and building meaningful GCE partnerships.


The programme is out now and the registrations are open on the Imagine 4.7 website. We hope you will be able to join us for some of the sessions, too! 


Thank you so much and best wishes,

Bridge 47 team



Jenni Tuominen

Administration Coordinator

Tel: +358 50 321 8494



Bridge 47 – Building Global Citizenship

Fingo – Finnish Development NGOs

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