Hei 1325-verkostolaiset!
Välitän ohessa EPLO:n (European Peacebuilding Liaison Office) pyynnön kommentoida Euroopan parlamentin raporttia varten viime vuonna käyttöön otettua EU:n tasa-arvoalan toimintasuunnitelmaa (GAP III), jossa myös Naiset, rauha ja turvallisuus on yksi kuudesta työn teemasta. EPLO siis hyödyntää kommentteja suullisesti pyöreän pöydän keskustelussa, eli ei pyydetä varsinaisia lausuntoja aiheesta. Tarkemmin pyydetään kommentoimaan kysymystä: How could the Gender Action Plan (GAP) III contribute to a gender-sensitive EU foreign and security policy? Kommentteja toivotaan perjantaihin 30.4. mennessä. Laittakaa kommenttinne minulle ensin, niin pysyn kartalla ja voin tehdä mahdollisuuksien mukaan koonnin niistä EPLO:lle.
Yst. terv. Veera
Lähettäjä: Margot Jones <mjones@eplo.orgmailto:mjones@eplo.org> Lähetetty: keskiviikko 21. huhtikuuta 2021 17.37 Vastaanottaja: Laura Davis <ldavis@eplo.orgmailto:ldavis@eplo.org> Aihe: EPLO GPS Working Group: Contributions for European Parliament report on GAP III / New Advisor for Gender and Diversity (EEAS)
Dear Members of EPLO's Gender, Peace and Security Working Group,
I hope this message finds you well!
Contributions for European Parliament report on Gender Action Plan (GAP) III The European Parliament is currently preparing a report on the GAP III. We have been asked by the AFET rapporteur to contribute orally to the thinking to this process, specifically: How could the Gender Action Plan (GAP) III contribute to a gender-sensitive EU foreign and security policy?
Apologies for the short notice, but if you have points you would like us to raise during this roundtable, please send them to us by close of business on Friday 30 April.
For background, GAP III was adopted in November 2020 as a Joint Communicationhttps://ec.europa.eu/international-partnerships/topics/empowering-women-and-girls_en#header-5139 and is the EU's main framework for promoting gender equality in its external actions. The EU's work on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) is featured as one of the six 'key thematic areas of engagement', and EU Delegations and Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions and operations are currently developing country-level implementation plans for GAP III (due in July 2021).
Please find attached the internal briefing note on GAP III and the minutes from the January 2021 Working Group call, during which we discussed GAP III.
New Advisor for Gender and Diversity (EEAS) Ms. Stella Ronner-Grubačić was recently appointedhttps://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-homepage_en/96759/High%20Representative%20Josep%20Borrell%20announces%20senior%20appointments the new Adviser to the Secretary-General for Gender and Diversity within the European External Action Service (EEAS).
Most recently, she was the Dutch Ambassador to Greece, and previously the Ambassador to Romania and Moldova. Ms. Ronner-Grubačić will be taking over the role previously entitled "Principal Advisor on Gender and on the implementation of UNSCR 1325", which Amb. Mara Marinaki vacated in December 2020.
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments, and I look forward to being in touch about the next Working Group call soon.
Many thanks in advance!
All the best, Margot
-- Margot Jones Junior Policy Officer
Working hours: Monday (9am-noon), Tuesday (1pm-6pm), Wednesday (1pm-6pm), Friday (all day)
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