Hei 1325-verkostolaiset, Verkosto on mukana järjestämässä Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön ja Helsingin yliopiston kanssa erittäin mielenkiintoista seminaaria koulutus- ja tutkimussektorin roolista 1325-agendan toimeenpanossa. Toivottavasti mahdollisimman moni verkoston jäsen pääsee osallistumaan virtuaaliseen seminaariin ma 29.11 klo 12-16. Liitteenä olevaa save the date -kutsua voi myös jakaa rauhanrakennuksen, tasa-arvon, koulutuksen ja tutkimuksen parissa työskenteleville kontakteille. Lähipäivinä on luvassa lisää tietoa seminaarin ohjelmasta. Minuun voi olla suoraan yhteydessä seminaariin liittyvien kysymysten tai ehdotusten kanssa. Yhteistyöterveisin, Minna Lyytikäinen Helsingin yliopisto 050 5476647
SAVE THE DATE Education for Inclusive Peace: the role of education and research in promoting the Women, Peace and Security agenda in the Nordics 29 November 2021 at 12:00-16:00 Helsinki time (CET+1), online Are you interested in learning more about what educators and researchers can do to promote an inclusive peace and gender equality in the Nordics and globally? Organised by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland, University of Helsinki (Global Development Studies), and the Finnish 1325 Network as part of the Finnish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers, this seminar will explore the role of education and research in the implementation of the Women Peace and Security agenda in the Nordics. While there is a strong history in harnessing the role of educators in both peacebuilding and in the promotion of gender equality, there has been a dearth of knowledge on how the education sector can be involved in implementing the Women, Peace and Security agenda. The fill this gap, we invite you to join a discussion about the role of education and research in promoting the goals of inclusive and sustainable peace. The event will bring together a diversity of academics, policy makers and educators into dialogue to map out good practices as well as potential future collaborations, particularly within the Nordic region. We will explore questions such as:
* What is the role of education and educators in promoting an inclusive and sustainable peace in different learning environments? * What is the potential of international education collaboration in furthering peacebuilding and gender equality? * How can research and researchers influence national and international peace and security policies?
The event is also a great opportunity for engaging in dialogue between education policymakers and practitioners, researchers and NGO representatives. The language of the seminar is English. So, please mark the date 29 November in your calendars and look out for further details on speakers, registration and opportunities to participate. For more information: Education for Inclusive Peace: the role of education and research in promoting the Women, Peace and Security agenda in the Nordicshttps://minedu.fi/tapahtumat/2021-11-29/education-for-inclusive-peace-the-role-of-education-and-research-in-promoting-the-women-peace-and-security-agenda-in-the-nordics (minedu.fi) Marjaana Seppinen, Ministry of Education and Culture: marjaana.seppinen@gov.fimailto:marjaana.seppinen@gov.fi Minna Lyytikäinen, University of Helsinki: minna.e.lyytikainen@helsinki.fimailto:minna.e.lyytikainen@helsinki.fi