On Saturday 19.6. is *United Nations' day to end sexual violence as a strategy of war*. Here's a good suggestion for how to learn more about the topic! 🙌
Welcome to join Master's Thesis presentation by Elina Viitasaari on *Saturday 19.06.2021 at 14:00-15:15 via Teams*. Research* "Sexual violence as a strategy of war: Ending conflict-related sexual violence in South Sudan by strengthening accountability"* is conducted as part of the Ã…bo Akademi University's *"Peace, Mediation, and Conflict Research"* program in Developmental Psychology. Presentation will be followed by an expert discussion with *Dr. Elisa Tarnaala*, Senior advisor in Women in peacemaking-team (CMI), and *Dr. Helena Ranta*, internationally recognized war crime investigator and forensic odontologist. Webinar is organized as* a fundraiser for UN Women Finland*. UN Women works in conflict areas to strengthen women's crucial role in peacemaking according to UN Security Council Resolution 1325. All donations are highly appreciated! Webinar is *open for everyone* and doesn't require a registration. Teams-link and additional information can be found through FB-event: https://fb.me/e/DkgdVsSF https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Ffb.me%2Fe%2FDkgdVsSF&h=AT1y2JcC2oa09W99pVCJ2FEYNzmzulPq0072KcsJRUfqz6Cfiaw8-yC5xswDQr0MnrVs9q-ZveS3zgAGiKJGB_fLCMxaI9az1t2VVLO0fHX9wOOWgEe4iM8tFveazetYHR8APu9bsAvaOHdO-g&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT3Oi1JixYhWHfsGdRM29HWd5_ft3wI62MRN4lSoFY_B3msOcnItGERnRMA4nGJa-eVkaD8R7zhWuwFbvzmhzx38Y78pdlvSjIIsg44FcZZu8XX8Md5b7iY4OxKk8-rKDukbpgc_au9KYMBDtdVrTDx0bA4 For those not on Facebook, here's a direct Teams-link. https://www.google.com/url?q=https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%253ameeting_ODU2ZjkwNGQtOTQzNi00Yjg5LWJiMzItZmNlMDlhZGFhNmJh%2540thread.v2/0?context%3D%257b%2522Tid%2522%253a%2522cbc2beaf-674e-4e50-ada8-69489986c0c2%2522%252c%2522Oid%2522%253a%25227b31d1e7-9cca-4090-9aa0-f54ebb612712%2522%257d&sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw1seWTz2gbyRkynQx-_ioYy
*Welcome!* [image: 💙]
Br, Elina Viitasaari tel. 045-893 7598 email. emviitasaari@gmail.com