UNU-WIDER invites you to the series finale of their online webinar series on development and COVID-19.


The next webinar will take place on 7 July, with Olivier Bargain from University of Bordeaux on Between a rock and a hard place: Poverty and COVID-19 in developing countries


In March 2020, shelter-in-place and social-distancing policies have been enforced or recommended all over the world to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. However, strict containment is hardly achievable in low-income countries, as large parts of population are forced to continue income-generating activities to escape extreme poverty or hunger.


To assess the trade-off between poverty and a higher risk of catching COVID-19, the research uses regional mobility to work and poverty rates across 241 regions of 9 countries from Latin America and Africa. With a difference-in-difference approach around the time of lockdown announcements, it measures the differential time variation in work mobility between high and low-poverty regions.


Join the event on Tuesday 7 July to find out more and to participate in the discussion.


Register here.


Thank you,




Ruby Richardson

Communications Assistant


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